Is it too late??

on 8/22/05 12:23 am - Phoenix, AZ
Over 15 years ago in grad school I had a silastic ring gastroplasty... aka stomach stapling (not one minute of aftercare). I am currently 240 lbs and never got below 190 from a high of 276. The struggle still continues. My current insurance has wls excluded... so if i had a revision it would be cash. That is an issue but worse is that I am petrified to have surgery again... revisions seem to be more complicated and my life really is good... with the exception of my weight. I got to thinking... I would guess my pouch is stretched...can I retrain my pouch? So much has changed with wls... can I go back to a post op eating plan? Does anyone have any advice on where I can find info? I tried traditional dieting and it has failed. Suggestions? Anyone been here? Resources? I would appreciate any direction you can point me to, perhaps I can somehow learn to use the tool that I have... despite it being an out of date model
on 8/22/05 7:47 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hello Liz, It is never too late! I am not familiar with your type of surgery but I had the Vertical Banded Gastroplasty 8 years ago. I to have failed this operation. It is along the same lines as your stomach stapling, but in partial. Have you thought of having the lapband done? It may work for you because it is a band that is fit around your current pouch to make it smaller. I am not expert but that would be a good road to investigate. I am sure if you start talking on this site, you will find more experienced people than I about different types of revisions you could have. I am looking into having a revision done myself. I want to have the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. It is still a very new procedure but I am very interested in it. Search out this website. This site has all the information you need. Read people's histories and you will learn from them as well. This day and age, you have all the support in the world. I for one, am here for you to chat with. A little about me, i had the VBG done at 540 pounds. I lost 200 pounds and have started gaining again! So, we are in the same boat so to speak. I am very much willing to rock my boat with surgery. Yes, there are complications, but I would give anything to have a "NORMAL" life! But we won't get into that! ha! Anyhow, moving on...take care Liz. Take one day at a time and research what you need on the internet. All the info you need is out there and on this website especially! Catch ya on the message boards! Eve
on 8/22/05 11:54 am - Phoenix, AZ
Thanks Eve... I wasn't sure where to post my message... I also posted on the revision board and haven't gotten much response. I have two very young children and that is why I am so fearful of further surgery... yet I so badly want to stop the insanity of being obese. I have struggled since the age of 5 (at least that is when i began to be aware of it). What is the sleeve surgery all about? I keep thinking that more and more treatments will be coming out for obesity... including a new drug (I have yet to try medication of any type except phen phen which was a godsend to me).
on 8/25/05 4:27 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hey there kiddo! It seems the messageboards are quiet lately. I just joined up myself so I am not sure how the traffic is. I have had a few ppl comment on some of my messages. I am usually here everyday, or try to be. I am researching alot and reading ppl's profiles can learn alot that way. The VSG is posted here and that is the only information I have regarding it. There is a messageboard for ppl that have had this done. I agree with you. I want to stop the insanity of obesity as well! I feel like my every thoughts is on "what am I gonna do", etc...I feel like I am trapped and surgery is my way out. I have considered drugs to help me but I am too scared of the side effects. I to have children at home and I do not want to jeopardize my health any more than it is. Right now, I am a healthy, fat woman. I am still very active and very involved in my kids lives as well as for my family. I try everyday to get out and stay active. I wrenched my right knee a few weeks ago and I am having a hard time with it right now as I do have alot of weight on it and it will take time to heal, so that keeps my activity minimal right now. I believe there is a new drug coming out according to a doctor I have seen. I will not be a guinea pig for drug companies. But anyhow, moving on....i am very very liery to use any kind of drug treatment. I thought phen phen was banned? I am sorry this message is short but I must go. I will check back later on to see if you are around. Take care Liz... Eve
on 8/25/05 9:38 am - Phoenix, AZ
Eve, I am not sure what the rules of this board are but is there a way I can e-mail you off list? How can I send you my e-mail address I would like to chat further about this since we are on simiar paths. Thanks
on 8/25/05 10:45 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hi Liz, I sent you an email! Take care.... Eve
on 8/26/05 1:43 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Eve... I never got your e-mail.
on 8/27/05 12:25 am - Arnprior, Canada
I am sorry Liz you didn't receive my email. I did send one. Hmmm! Oh well, here is my email if you want. evie.randy I will be happy to hear from ya! Take care.... Eve
on 9/8/05 12:05 am - WI
Have you tried the "cottage cheese" test to see how big your pouch actually is? The test is listed in "pouch rules". I have just created a post titled "pouch rules". I would start there. Is it possible you are out eating the surgery? It is possible to gain/not loose weight if your eating habits are not correct. 3 meals consisting of mainly protein with a couple of healthy snacks (i.e. fruit). In order for me to loose weight at 2 years out this is what I do... I try to keep my calories to 1,000 per day. I eat 3 meals and have a couple of snacks if necessary. I also try to stop eating at 6:00 p.m. (sometimes this is pretty difficult for me.) I track my weight, food and exercise on (it's a free online program). I purchase foods that will allow me to succeed even with cravings. I buy egg substitutes, low-fat cheese, skim milk, low calorie bread, diet tv dinners, pickles, fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, etc. By doing this I feel I am setting myself up to succeed. Here is another thing that I have learned... If I do not make a SUPREME CONSIOUS effort to lose weight... I will NOT lose weight. Once I start "my program" it takes me a number of days before I have a successful day. I just keep trying the next day... the next meal... etc. The other thing I did was join the health club. In order for me to lose weight I HAVE to exercise. Are you exercising regularly? I try to stop everyday and work out on the fitness equipment. I am also going to add in aerobics at some point. In addition I walk 1 mile per day (m-f). For me...this is all FOREIGN stuff. I never exercised, ate what I felt like eating when I felt like eating = HUGE WEIGHT GAIN, DEPRESSION, SLEEP APNEA, ASTHMA. Right now I am battling with "do I deserve to be thin?" I haven't come to a positive conclusion on that one yet... so I am basically just following my weightloss plan "as if" I deserve it. I am hoping to find out at some point that I really do deserve it. Right now I am going off the beliefs on my close friends that say I do. Another thing... If there is not a "medical reason" as to why you are overweight then I think you need to try to figure out what the pay-off is for you to BE overweight. I couldn't possibly even guess what your payoff is... but I think my payoff is... I don't deserve to be thin... for me it is all about self-perception. What is it for you? Lastly... I have Group Health medical insurance. I go see a therapist every 2-3 weeks to help me deal with my "self-perception". I know until I fix that I will not truly be able to be at peace in my life. I have found that my weight problem was more about the faulty thoughts that were inside my head. I hope this helps you. Go FIND a support group...there are things for you to try before considering surgery again. PS -- YOU can DO THIS!!! Best Regards... sending you "healing" rays... Sharon
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