feeling guilty
I know there's no way I can gain weight eating what I'm eating now, but I feel a little guilty since I ate a whole can of potted meat (I got the approval from my Dr. to eat this instead of baby food since the baby food was horrid!) when I should have only eaten half. I'm only 21 days out from surgery and I really have been totally compliant until now, but it was so good to actually eat something that had some flavor. I guess I just want someone to tell me I'm not blowing it. I know different doctors have different diet plans, but I have made such a mess of eating in my life that even the slightest backslide seems catastrophic.

Hello TC --- I don't know how much a "whole can of potted meat" is. Did it make you feel miserable, did you throw-up? If not... then you are okay. Eat according to your Dr. schedule.
Cut yourself some slack... we are afterall only human. I will tell you that it does take time before you lose your head hunger. At some point you will find the large meals that people consume to be AMAZING. Now... I can't believe I used to eat that MUCH food. Wow. No wonder I was SUPER-MORBIDLY OBESE! How could I not be?
So... repeat after me... there is a learning curve, I AM learning, I am changing, I like ME!

I know this post is OLD, but I just wanted to comment:
Today is my first day on pureeds and for breakfast I had cream of wheat and for my lunch I am having potted meat. I've had two baby spoonfuls so far and I'm going to wait for another 10 minutes to see if I have any signs of it not agreeing with me.
It's nice and salty and has 11g of protein!!! I used to love this stuff as a kid and I am soooo glad I thought about it last week while putting together my shopping list.