VBG anyone else have it done???? what were your results
i am having my surgery date oct 25 /2005. I was just wondering what the results were from having it done?? was the loss of the weight what u exspected , did u lose i fast/slow?? How much were u able to lose and how long did it take u to lose it?
Iam excited and can't wait, i know the pros and cons of this surgery i am just looking for results from from people. the internet is a great thing.
thank you all for the replys in advance.
[email protected]
Hi Paula...Well, I am not very far out from having my surgery; but I did have the VBG on May 24, 2005. So, it is almost 3 months now and I have lost 40 lbs. I am now slowing down with the weight loss, but have just started water exercises 3 times a week and the other days, I walk. I know there are people out there who have lost more in this period of time...especially those who had the RYN. However, I didn't put all the weight on in 3 months, plus I have had mega medical problems over the last 15 years and the doctors (3 of them) felt this was the route I needed to go or I would be on the other side within the next 3 to 5 years. I must say, I have not felt this good in years and I am now off blood pressure meds, which I have been on for years. My diabetic meds have been cut in half. When I entered the hospital, I was on 13 different kinds of meds each day and I am now down to three plus my vitamins. The surgeon told me prior to my surgery that if I follow the nutrition guide and exercise, I should be able to loose approximately 1/3 of my weight in about a year and a half. Which means I have 100 lbs. to go and I know I can do it. Maybe not in a year, but I will do it! So...as you can see, in this short time, I am really pleased with results as it has given me a new lease on life. I wish you well with your surgery and if I can answer any questions, please let me know.

Hi Paula
congrads on doing sugery..it is a big step.. iam very happy i did it..done on april 13 2005..have lost 60 pounds in 3 months last month been up and down in range of 3 pounds... thats ok give body little break .. cant walk or exersise yet so sure will do good when i do that (not due to sugery)...i feel great ...sorry i didnt do sooner.. in hospital 3 days..no problems at all...i have hit my first goal....people dont know me .. they think my husband has a new girlfriend that is no joke some did think that....good luck to you keep us posted how you are doing..
god bless...jukee davis
[email protected]
Hi. I had it done and am not too sure it was the right thing to do. I had it 3 years ago and I did lose 170 lbs but now I can eat more than I could at first which scares me. I also have been having alot of abdominal pain and back and chest pains. Some are sharp pains and some are real bad gas pains. My doc ended up being a jerk so am not going back to him. You're getting this done in Milwaukee are you? I ended up having 2 hernias and one had pushed through my intestine and aot of scar tissue that my intestines wrapped around. After a few docs and a visit to Mayo Clinic this was all found from a new doc I am seeing. He fixed all that but I am still having pain. I am thinking og having a revison to the RYN but it is a VERY big deal to have that done because to remove the band he will have to take that part of my stomach out. I guess I really didn't understand what I ws having done when I did it. Do I regret it? Yes I do. Even though I am alot thinner now, I would rather be fat than have all these medcial problems-they are controlling my life. I am not trying to scare you away from it but please make sure you have a support group to go to. I didn't nd I really should have. I am trying to find someone who had a revision so it anyone has please post so we can talk.
I am sorry to hear u are having such a ruff go at it. i have been looking up as much information as i can on all the surgeries.. i know there are such horrible things can happen with all of them. I am having the surgery in Bowmanville Ontario. I do wish u well and hope u are able to clean any problems up and are able to feel better and live alot healthier life soon.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes i do have a suport group. looking up a few in and around my area, i live in Windsor Ontario Canada
I had my surgery 11-17-2003. I weighed 257 and now weigh 125 lbs. I have lost a total of 132 lbs. For the first time in my life I have to watch that I don't lose too much since I am already below my goal. I am trying to get and stay around 130. I do not regret the surgery for it has been one of the best things I've ever done. A lot of my illnesses have just gone away. I have completely changed my way of eating which is important, eat slowly using the little powerseed I bought in a magazine that times your intake, and I chew, chew, chew. I am no saint, sometimes I will have something fried or desserts. I have learned that you can just eat about anything if you eat it in small amounts (which I also use the powerseed for) so I eat several small meals a day. I have been taking care of a sick mother in the last month so I have had to watch my weight to keep it from going down for a couple of weeks ago I was 123 which is too small. I am 5'8", averaged boned. I need to take a new picture for the message board, the one showing is at 137 lbs. Take a look at the first picture in my profile. As I have said many times before the VBG is just a tool that will help you do the work you need to do. Remember, behavior modification is so very important.
Hi Paula.. I had a VBG on August of 2003 its been 2 official years now lost 90lbs.. not as much as with a RNY.. but I seriously have no complaints at all.. yea I can eat a little more then I use to.. but.. still I'm soooooo much better off then I was before that I would repeat this surgery in a heart beat... good luck to you!!