VBG Surgery...Failure!

on 8/13/05 7:50 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hello All! I am considering having a revision to my VBG. I had this surgery 8 years ago and went from 540 to 342 pounds. Today, I am at 342 pounds. I just can't seem to loose anymore. I have failed this surgery as I am able to eat like I used to. No I did hurt my pouch, i still get sick if i don't chew or eat too fast...anyhow, to make a long story short I am wondering if there is anyone else out there like me? You had the VBG and dropped some weight, then after time are gaining it back slowly but surely! Thanks to all!
on 8/18/05 2:51 pm - CLYDE, NC
Hello Yvonne. There is another one in your boat. Me..I had my VBG in 1985. I lost 117 lbs. I have been so mad at myself because I know that I could have done better. I have not yet had my surgical area explored to see what damage I have done. If I eat something and do not chew it up good, like you, I get sick because something did not go thru the band. I am afraid that I have broken the staple lines. I weighed 335 when I had my surgery. I am 57 and I have talked about having it redone, but only to talk myself out of it. My husband has been so supportive and he does not want me to have anymore surgeries. Since my VBG,I have had a complete hystorectomy and a major emergency gallbladder surgery. Going under the knife to me is like taking a good nap, But my husband has his fears. In my heart I want to try again. I would love to be a size 14 just for a day!!! When I had my surgery, There were to my knowledge, no support groups. I really think if I had known about this site when I had my surgery, I would have had a better chance of making it. Thanks for listening Yvonne. I wondered if there was anyone out there like me. Keep in touch. Bea
on 8/19/05 2:15 am - Arnprior, Canada
Howdy Bea! Nice to hear from you! I agree with you, if I would have had the emotional support set in place for this surgery, I would have made it through. There was really nothing set in place for me. It was harder for me as well because I lived in a small northern Ontario town. Hick town! As you say, I would also love to be a size 14 again! Boy, I think I was 14 years old when I was a size 14! ha! I had a Barium Xray yesterday and it looks like my pouch is still intact and working! It is just bigger than the size of an egg! :-& This is where I think it is my fault. I failed the rules of the pouch! And not having any support just made me feel worse! I know I am an emotional eater, NOW! If and when i decide to go for the revision surgery to Gastric Bypass, there are alot of support groups in place now. I will use all the resources I can that are available to me. I am pretty sure we are not the only ones that have problems loosing with the VBG. Anyhow, it has been nice to hear from you. I appreciate your thoughts and feedback. Please, if there others out there, send us a message. We can help support each other. Take care to all! Eve
on 8/19/05 10:56 am - WAUKEGAN, IL
I am thinking of having a revison too. I lost 170 lbs and have kept it off for 3 years but have had nothing but medical problems for the last 2 years. hernias, scar tissue and a hole in my intestine. This is NOT a easy surgery to get un-done. The part of your stomach with the band has to be removed and that scares me. But I am soooo tired of being sick. I have alot of stomach, chest and back gas pain and nothing will get rid of it. I would luv to talk to someone who has had these problems and had a revision. Thanks.
on 8/19/05 11:28 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hello Susan! Believe it or not, I have NO internal complications with my VBG. I was not aware of the procedure that would have to take place for me to have a revision! WOW! I thought it would be easier since my pouch is already formed, just bigger than it should be. I don't know what I was expecting! Thank you for the eye openner! This is not gonna be as easy as I thought! I am so sorry this operation has been so difficult for you. You know, as the years go by, more and more the doctors are perfecting these procedures. Look forward to that at least! The doctors know more now than they did years ago! That is my saving grace right now! I am hoping that with new technology, etc...things will be just as easy for me with the revision than they were with my original surgery. I had only one little complication with my incision in the beginning. I got an infection and that cleared up with in a month or so with antibiotics and proper wound care. I wish you all the best Susan. I am sure there is someone out there with the answers you are looking for. Take care. Eve
Sue I.
on 8/31/05 11:10 pm - Alliston, Canada
Dear Sisters: I too am in the same boat- had VBG in 2001, lost 124 pounds then started gaining. I have been so frustrated and also feeling so guilty and so ashamed of myself for blowing this chance at normalcy. Then last week I came back to this site and read the posts (I had stayed away for a year or two- didn't want to read about others problems I guess.) Anyway I read the post about "Pouch Rules" and it hit me like a ton of bricks....I had never heard anything like that after my surgery! My post-op follow-up was next to nil. So I decided to try the rules- and lost 8 pounds in 6 days! I know a lot of that is fluid loss, but it has given me hope that I can get back on track and get some of this damned weight off again. My knees are so bad with arthritis from carrying all this weight- if I don't do something I will be in a wheelchair- and I am only 55. So is there anyone out there who would like to join me? We could be great support for one another- we are all in the same boat. Sue
on 9/1/05 12:01 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hi Ya Sue, I can totally relate. I am looking for that post you read about "pouch rules". I have not seen that one. I to, did not have ANY follow up with my VBG surgery. I was given instructions, a diet and sent on my way. No support, no nothing! I believed in my doctors, not thinking for myself. I guess growing older makes you wiser! I realize now that doctors are human and can make mistakes just like anyone else. Would someone please tell me what the "pouch rules" are or point me to the post that has them....Thank you so much. Eve
on 9/1/05 1:02 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hi Sue, I tried emailing you but it came back to me.....so here is the email i sent you.... Hi Sue, Glad to hear from you! I would love to try the "pouch rules" if I had them! Mind you, i think my will power has dwindled to nothing. I am so discouraged! I feel very alone in my plight! Oh, my hubby tries to support me but it just does feel like I am alone! I agree with you, i failed me! My VBG is still intact. I know this because I just recently had a Barium Xray to see how my stomach is. I still get sick if I eat too fast or too much etc....The pouch still works, so to speak. BUT, I can eat anything I want now. I have absolutely no will power at all! I feel like I have been fighting my weight my whole life (36 years). I am very tired emotionally, physically, mentally! If you read my profile, and go to Yvonne's surgery support page, you will read all about me and how my life is and was! I had a very hard day yesterday. I had my yearly physical with my Family Doctor, trying to convince him to get on board with me to have a revision surgery, and he diagnosed me with Type 2 Diabetes, High cholesterol and still thinks that surgery is a "last resort". I am just so discouraged. He wants me to see a doctor in Ottawa that manages a Weight Management Program through the Civic Hospital. Man oh Man! Another program for me to fail at! I have been through the wringer Sue and I am just totally fed up! I feel like my doctor is ignoring what I want! Well, all I can do is take one day at a time! I sit here thinking, "Yup, i can do the pouch rules, or follow the program i mentioned",,...but i know in my heart of hearts, I can't. I have decided that I will look into the Overeaters Anonymous in my area. Frankly, if I wait for my doctor to refer me to a professional in eating disorders, etc..i will be dead! The waiting list is so long. I am very frustrated today Sue and i apologise! I am usually very up beat and positive but today I feel beaten down. No worries though. I will be fine. I have a full day ahead of me and plans for Labour day weekend. My brothers are celebrating their birthday's together this weekend and I will be there! yuppie! love a BBQ and a party! (I don't drink!) I love being with my family. I will let you go for now as I have to get my butt in gear! Take care Sue and I do hope to hear from you. Thank you for your support! It is soooo appreciated. Especially from a fellow VBG'er! Keep Smiling! Eve
on 9/15/05 2:43 am - CLYDE, NC
Hello Sue, I just read your post. What are "pouch rules"? This is the first I have ever heard of this. I am excited, is there hope for us? I am 57 and a VBG failure. I also want to get back on track and try to salvage whatever pieces of my surgery that is left. I had emergency gallbladder surgery in 2004. I had suspected a hernia so I went back to my surgeon just last month, which confirmed my fear. My surgeon is also a barratric surgeon. I am going to have to have surgery to repair my hernia. He has put me on the Optifast program to prepare for my surgery. Loosing the weight will allow me to have a lapro. and maby in the hospital only overnight. The optifast is drastic, but good money wise. My emergency gallbladder hospital bill wistled at the tune of $32000.00 and that did not cover anything else. We are self employed and no insurance. My surgery was very extensive. Anyway, My surgeon told me that my VBG surgery failure was not my fault and to not beat myself up over it. He said that the failure rate within the first 2 years is high, and if the surgeons knew then what they know now, the VBG would not be a choice. Anyway tell me about the "pouch rules"..... Thanks......Bea
on 1/1/08 2:25 am - 509 East Walnut Street, IN
I too had a VBG surgery about 9 years ago. Unfortunately I have gained back my weight. I asked my surgeon Dr. Margaret Inmann specifically before the surgery if I would get sick a lot afterwards. He specific response to me was "that is not common with my patients".  Boy was that ever misleading to me. From time to time and it depends many times on the day, food blocks the passage and I vomit. I am so used to vomiting regularly it is normal. I hate this ring because of that. I am sure chewing is part of this but I guarantee it is not all of the problem as it is simply certain times this happens and I cannot predict when. Another question I asked prior to my surgery was, what is the percentage of long term weight loss for the VBG.  From what I can gather now it is very, very poor. I need help and do not know where to turn. I did revisit my surgeon a few years ago. She is so intimidating that I did not take any action. She calls me "Bud" when I visit. I want to call her "Babe" as a response back back she is the one yielding the knife. I will not go back to her. I would like to retry this thing but I am not convinced of the bypass method at all. I need help.  I do not know where to go?
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