Please answer!!!
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to check in with all my VBG people! How are you doing? What's new? Good, bad or ugly I want to hear from everyone and see what is going on!!! I love you all and I love to hear what is going on in your news or otherwise
I am doing pretty well...I haven't been to the gym in a week though. I am taking next Wednesday off from work and my plan is to go to the gym and take my bellydancing class and maybe lift some weights too. I need to get back on track with the exercise for real. I also need to weigh in because last time I was only 2 pounds from the century club, so wish me luck on making it to that milestone
I only weigh in at the gym otherwise I get addicted to the scale, so I threw it away.
Big hugs,

Hi Sara,
Guess I'm addicted to the scales also. Sometimes I use two (smile). I weight every morning because I just don't want anything to get away from me before I know it. Of course I am at or rather below goal. I don't think looking at the scale everyday is good if you are still trying to lose. Get back on that exercise wagon because it is so important and it will make you feel good. Now I feel bad when I don't get to exercise. Glad you are doing well, keep up the good work.