I GOT A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK!!! My date is April 25, 2005. That's 11 DAYS AWAY!!! I'm so completely psyched, I don't know what to do. I'm excited as hell and scared all at the same time. ok ok ok ok. hahah. Sorry, I'm just a tad excited. It still hasn't really even sunk in yet. It's like it wasn't even really real, until just now. Now, I don't know how to handle it all. Words of encouragement anyone?
Hey Katherine,
WOOHOO...Congradulations!!!!!! I am so happy for you
It is so normal to be experiencing all kinds of emotions right now, so just go with them and try to keep an overall positive attitude because that will help you get through any nervousness u might have!
This surgery is the best thing that ever happened to me!!! I love how my life has changed and I have embraced it every step of the way. I hope you have the same experience and I will be praying for you
Big hugs,

Oh, thank you! I can't wait to get this started. Yesterday, I was full of nervousness, but today I feel ready and excited. I know I will be fine. I don't even consider death as a possibility, and that's really the only thing to be scared of. Everything else can be worked through. I know it won't be easy at first, but eventually I will become a healthier much thinner person, and I can't wait to meet her.