For the women...Irregular cycles?
I am wondering if anyone has had irregular menstrual cycles since surgery? I have been irregular for most of my life, but I was told it was due to my weight....I am wondering if this is something I should be concerned about post surgery. I have been pretty regular since I had surgery, but I skipped January and I had one in early February and now I am spotting. Is this normal?
Thanks for your responses!!!
Yes I have had irregular cycles since I can remember. I would go months without one and then all of a sudden I would have one. I didn't have one for about 6 months and the day before my surgery I about being mad. I started having cycles every month until December. I didn't have one in January and then about the 12 of this month I started spotting just like you are. I also want to know if this is normal. Sorry about not being any help I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I was also told that it was weight related so I don't know what to think now. Well anyway congradulations on the weight loss!!!!!
Thanks for responding does help to know I am not alone!!!! Also thanks for the conrgats on the weightloss
I am gonna go to the doctor as soon as I can, but I just stated a new job this past Monday, so I have to wait until she has an available evening appointment.
Thanks again!
I was regular for 10 years (9yrs old-19 yrs old) and then became irregular when I started putting on weight. I had to take medicine to even have a period which of course I didn't do so I would go several years without a period. I might spot some, but that was it. I had spotting about two weeks after surgery and then in late November...BOOM! It hit me BIG TIME!!! I had a very heavy period but it lasted exactly 5 days like it used to when I was regular. In December I had another one right on time that was heavy a few days but nothing like November. I had another one in January so I am now convinced that I am back to normal. It may be that your body is trying to regulate itself, but the doctor can give you pills to make you start. I was warned by my doctor that you can end up bleeding and having to have a D&C to stop it if you go too long without a period. I would see your doctor but I don't think what you're experiencing is anything to be too concerned about.
Good Luck!