Help! Can't stand the protien/liquids!!
Hi everyone! I had the vbg done on January 17. I weighed 450 on the day of surgery. At my 10 day appointment I had lost 30 pounds. I am only 2 weeks out, but am already having a horrible time trying to get my protien. I have tried about 10 different kinds of the pre-made drinks. They all literally make me gag. The last time I forced myself to drink an ounce of one, I threw it right back up. I have also tried about 5 different kinds of the powdered protien. I did o.k. adding that to soup and CIB for a while, but now it is making me gag too. The last 3 days I have taken in less than 300 calories and about 20 grams of protien a day because I can't make myself drink that stuff anymore. My doctor says puts everyone on a 50 gram protien/ 500 calorie liquid diet for the first 6 weeks.
I am only 2 weeks into this and don't think I can make it. I am crying all the time, I feel week and lathargic, and I can't stand the thought of one more liquid meal. I know I am not taking in enough calories and protein and am sure that is adding to this feeling.
From most of the posts, it looks like most people have to be on liquids for 2-3 weeks. Has anyone else had to be on liquids for 6 weeks? HOw did you make it? Any suggestions?
Hi Jessica,
What you are feeling is so common and I experienced it too. Your surgery day was my four month anniversary
Just try to focus on the positives and remember that this will pass and you will be back to feeling human very soon. Its rough early on, but focus on the 30 pound loss and the fact that you were able to have this surgery because there are so many out there waiting and hoping.
As far as the protein drinks you might want to try making your own. I used banana and lowfat milk mixed with protein powder in the blender. You can also use frozen berries if bananas aren't your thing. Some people even add a scoop of peanut butter, but check with your doc about it just to be sure its ok for you at this stage. I found this much more tolerable than the premade shakes, so try it and see if it works for you
Also try jello and popsicles if you haven't already.

Jessica, It definitely gets better. At first I not only hated the taste, but it was hard to get them down. I have not really found any powders to work well for me, but now I drink Atkins shakes in the can. After a month, they stared to go down easily. Don't worry! I remember thinking I had made a terrible mistake, but it gets better. It's just a slow process. Like the previous poster, I also liked peanut butter. I just ate it by the spoon. Whatever the case is, make sure you get your protein in, even if you have to plug your nose for another week. It feels so good to drop the weight!
Also, I was able to eat yogurt starting day 5, but opted for the icky shakes because I wanted all the protein. I wanted to avoid hair loss later and was told getting the protein in might be able to help prevent that.
Good luck to you!
Why are doctors so different? I was only on liquids a week and then was told I could start eating solid food, but to chew good and be careful. I would call your surgeon and let them know how you feel. Maybe they can give you some advice or put you in touch with a post op that would help support you in your area. Good luck and hang in there...this is definitely worth it in the long run.
Take Care!

My doc had me eating regular food right off the bat, so I am sorry about your liquid diet. (That used to mean something very different for me when I was a young one.) I have a smoothie in the am to help me with my protein.
I use No Whey Powder (Spinnelly website)
1 scoop of protein
1 scoop of carnation chocolate
8 oz skim milk
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
1 banana
I think it's like 35+grams of Protein. If you can have this it's good. This is the only way that I can get my protein in. You won't even taste it.
Hope this helps.
Have you tried atkins shakes? Maybe I am weird but I like them. My favorite flavor is Cafe au let. I also drink the strawberry and vanilla flavors as well. I was told early out that is more important to make sure you stay hydrated so if nothing else please make sure you drink plenty of fluids. Sorry your having such a hard go it but it is early and we all have those feelings of what did I do to myself?? As far being on a liquid diet for six weeks...WOW. I don't think I could have done that myself and to be honest at three weeks out I was eating soft foods. Ask your doctor about eating tunafish without the bread of course or eggs in about a week or maybe try blending soup.