Does eating get any better?
I am 2 weeks post-op and just started eating shaved chicken. I ate some earlier and it hurt really bad. What I am wondering is does it always feel this way or does it get any better? There are other things also that I have ate that causes pain also. I am just hoping that with time it does get better.
I had this happen also. But, I must say, chicken at 2 weeks out?? Seems a bit much. I was on liquids for 4 weeks, then puree for 2, then solids after that. But, even so, in my opinion, you should avoid "hard" things like chips, nuts, raw vegetables, things hard to chew for the first 8 weeks at least.
I got the pains when I first went to solids, and I think the scar tissue around the band is still healing. It has gone away over time, but every once in awhile, I got a small pang with something I eat. I would take it sloooooow, chew everything very well, until it's practically liquid in your mouth, and avoid the "crunchy" or "hard" foods I mentioned above for awhile. And, even now, if I cannot chew enough to get a mashed potato consistency, I spit it out. Like steak is always hard... I'm very careful, but I haven't thrown up at all.
And, please confirm with your doctor that you can eat some solids already. It seems entirely too soon to me since you are still healing! Plus, my weight loss slowed dramatically once I went to solid foods. If you can stay on liquid/pureed for awhile, do it!
Open VBG 9/1/04
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I was allowed solid food at one week out also. At first your stomach is still swollen so you have to be more careful. I would make sure that you are chewing really well, but if it is major pain I would contact my surgeon. The only time I hurt is if I screw up and eat too fast or a little too much. I've never had sharp pains or anything though...just pressure that makes you wish you were dead
I was allowed to eat the dark part of chicken or turkey at about 3 weeks, it was just in time for Thanksgiving, boy was that ever a change from the previous holiday dinners, ha ha. It definitely takes some getting use to. My first experience of eating solid food I cried for hours thinking I was going to die, I didn't realize that it would hurt that way. It does really get better, hang in there
Hi Mary,
I am three years post op and yes, eating gets much, much better. As I have said in earlier posts, I used to throw up quite a bit when I would eat meat. I still can`t eat alot of it but I feel I can eat fairly normal now. I ate some roasted chicken about two weeks post op and was so nauseated for about 2 hours. I was foaming at the mouth and hurt so bad. I called my surgeon and he said not to throw up, so soon out might disrupt the staple line. I went for a brisk walk and that help some. I was in such pain that I started eating baby food chicken mixed with applesauce. Horrible, I know. But it gave me the strength I needed at the time. Softer foods just did`nt hurt as much. I probably did`nt chew well enough. Old habits are hard to break. Hang in there. Life does get back to normal. I promise.
I want to thank everyone for your replies! I really appriciate everyone at this board. You all make it easier for me. I can now eat a little bit of chicken and it doesn't hurt as much as when I first started it. My Dr told me to start on shaved chicken from the deli about a week ago. He told me to stay clear of red meat though. Well just wanted to let everyone know I appriciate them.