Pureed food ideas
I have tried some squash (butternut and acorn) whipped up into a little puree, and I froze it in little tassy (sp?) pans (like small muffin tins). I also made soem homemade applesauce with pears and gala apples so I would know the sugar content and froze it the same way. Does anyone have any other veggie ideas for this 2 week time when I need to eat things pureed?
VBG Open
Hi Beth,
You could puree cauliflower and add some garlic and cheese. I think some people call these Adkins friendly mashed potatoes
I am making some this week. You could also try pureed creamed spinach. I am on soft foods now and during the pureed phase I did not have many veggies, but now I can't wait to be able to eat a salad. I have another wek before that is allowed
Good luck to you!!!