any suggestions?

Jennifer W.
on 10/13/04 12:30 pm - Landfall, MN
I had open VBG on 6-22-04. So far, I've done really good (-80lbs). But for quite a few weeks now, I've been really worried about the amount of food I seem to need in order to satiate myself. Also, within the past week or so, I'm starting to get pretty hungry between meals. To give you an idea, we have salad bowls that are a bit larger than your average cereal bowl. I can fill it with lettuce, cottage cheese, a few sunflower seeds, about 5 strips of chicken and a little shredded cheese and eat all of it. Granted, I'm usually full for quite some time after eating this, but I think it's way too much for someone less than 4 months post-op to be eating. I have been able to eat like this for at least a month now. I brought all this up to my surgeon's nurse, but she told me that as long as I'm still losing, they aren't worried about it. I think I have a problem with that answer. I've not had any lasting pain that would suggest a staple line breakdown. But it still worries me. I go in to see the nurse again on 10-28, and I am going to bring it up again. I guess I really just want to know that this is normal and everything will be fine.
Kim A.
on 10/14/04 8:35 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Jennifer, I'm not sure if a staple line disruption would actually cause any pain. I know right after my surgery, that most/all the pain I felt was really in the muscle wall and surface, and not on the inside. And, my doctor even cut my stomach apart where the normal staple line would be (his standard), which I think would be more traumatic/painful. Question: How fast did you eat it? I'm about 6 weeks out. If I take 45 min to an hour, I can eat about half of a cheese manicotti (mostly the cheese and not the pasta shell), and a very tiny piece of garlic bread. If I eat too fast, there's no way I could down all that. Question: What calorie intake is your doctor restricting you to? Question: How big was your pouch originally? You can always do the cottage cheese test to see how big it is a search for that...I can't remember the link. But, it's supposed to be pretty accurate...not sure if it picks up sld's though. I think what you are describing sounds like too much food at one sitting to be normal, and I think your doctor should be more concerned. But, your pouch may have just stretched. Even more reason to make sure your eating habits have changed for the better and you are exercising! (I'm a hypocrite) ~Kim Open VBG 9/1/04 292/256 -36
Jennifer W.
on 10/15/04 1:12 am - Landfall, MN
I generally take about 1/2 hour to eat. Doctor didn't give me a calorie max, just told me low to no sugar and low fat. According to the surgeon, he makes the pouch "about the size of your thumb". I have heard of the cottage cheese test. I've never actually done it per the specifications, but I can eat about 3/4-1 cup in 1/2 hour (with sunflower seeds). Cottage cheese is one of the things that fills me up fairly well. I'm afraid I may have broken the ring that keeps the opening small. I will have to talk to the nurse about it again when I go in and make them do a scope on me. They appear to not give a damn unless I stop losing weight, well it won't be too long before that happens if I can't get it fixed now. My habits have changed alot, but not completely. I have totally cut out sugars and dessert type foods, but bread is still a big weakness. And excersizing is alot easier said than done when you have a 4 year old, but I'm getting some in here and there.
Dianne C.
on 10/16/04 5:09 am - Fresno, Tx
Jennifer, Fiesta dishware has some little dip bowls that fit inside one of their dishes but you can buy the bowls separate. They are the perfect amount of food you need to eat. Also I use the powerseed and usually after the double beat I stop eating and then notice that if I wait a minute a so I am really full. I have mentioned the powerseed before. I just love it and take it everywhere. It gives you 30 seconds between beeps to chew your food which has slowed my eating down considerably. I would think over 4 oz might be too much.
Jennifer W.
on 10/17/04 12:01 am - Landfall, MN
I think it's too much too. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it.
on 10/16/04 9:34 am - WI
Hi Jennifer, We have the same surgeon. I have the cottage cheese test listed on my profile under "WLS for Dummies". Did Dr. Rupp or Joyce give you any indication of how much time you should spending eating each meal? I was of the understanding that we should be done within 5-10 minutes. That taking too long to eat the meal allows food to pass through. Are you drinking with your meal? The only other thought I have is that around the 3-4 month mark I noticed a big difference in how much I could eat. I thought it was because my pouch had "healed". It does sound as if you are having fantastic weight loss however. Have you been drinking enough fluids through out the day? Sometimes "thirst" can cause hunger pangs. I have an appointment with "Joyce" (I assume) on 10-27. I am going to call and see if I actually see Dr. Rupp for my 1 year appointment... if I don't then I am going to cancel my appointment. I hate paying $20 (copay) just to update Joyce. Sure would be nice to actually SEE the surgeon!! Anyway... just whinning... feel free to ignore me. Best Regards, Sharon -120#
Jennifer W.
on 10/16/04 2:36 pm - Landfall, MN
I think Dr. Kelly told me within 15 min to 1/2 hour. But I also don't like to rush my eating. Maybe that is my problem... No, I don't drink at all with my meals. I also don't drink the 1/2 hour before or after. I'm still getting in well over the 64oz a day tho. I drink LOTS of water and for the most part, nothing else. I'm starting to wonder if I drink too much and flu**** all out too fast. I do know that I am never "careful" about my water. I take a sip whenever I feel the need. I've heard some people saying that you should only drink X amount of fluid in 15 minutes. I kill almost an entire 32 oz bottle in about 3 hours at work. I understand the feeling. My co-pays are $30, just for them to shrug off my concerns and tell me I'm doing great and send me home. It kind of bothers me a bit.
on 10/16/04 9:35 pm - WI
Knowing all of that... If I were you I would try the cottage cheese test and also time how long you feel full. When I eat cottage cheese I feel uncomfortably full for a long period of time. If you decide to take the test and want I will test along with you so that you have someone to compare with. Just let me know! I am slightly (or maybe very) disgruntled with only seeing "joyce" and never Dr. Rupp. Who do you see? Stephanie? or Joyce? Seriously... if I don't get to see Dr. Rupp this time I am going to just cancel my appointment. I can tell her how I am doing over the phone and save myself the $20. Sure would hate to have to pay them $30 for that! I only went to see her once every 3 months instead of every two because of this issue. Money is a pretty scarce commodity with me. Are you enjoying this great Minnesota weather we have kicking around? I hate summer but am never really ready for winter to arrive. I have noticed that I am a lot colder already this year. Traditionally I didn't start wearing a coat until it got to be -10 degrees. However, after losing my "insulation" I am ALREADY wearing a light coat!!! I think I am going to freeze this year! HaHa... Have a good one... Best Regards, Sharon -120# and freezing
Jennifer W.
on 10/17/04 12:11 am - Landfall, MN
I did see the post about the staple line disruption, it scared the **** out of me. I guess the cottage cheese test is the next in line to see just how much I can eat in a short period of time. The fact that I don't see the surgeon every time I go in bothers me too. I would think at your 1 year post-op you would be scheduled to see him tho. I don't remember the name of the surgeon's nurse. I did not have Rupp, I had Kelly. I've already pulled out my winter coat, and have been wearing it for a week. I go to work at 6:30 am (school bus driver) so I'm out there while it's still VERY cold, then I have to drive the freezer til the heat finally kicks in. Thanks to this lovely weather we are having, I have the cold from hell right now. Kinda sucks. Alot.
on 10/16/04 9:41 pm - WI
Did you see the prior post that Dee Dee left about her experience with SLD (staple line disruption)? I know that you don't think you have it because you are not in any pain but maybe you want to email her and ask her what it felt like? Here is the link to her profile. She has really good pictures showing the disruption. Sharon
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