what did I do!!!
I'm almost 3 weeks out and I think I'm eating more that I should but I feel good and the weight is coming off so I guess it's all good. Today I ate about 1/2-3/4 can of tuna salad. No bread or anything else and yes I was full but I was thinking it might be too much also but it don't hurt and I didn't get sick so I guess it's all good....I'd only worry if you hurt or get sick. Hope all goes well... keep me posted. Lisa
Since you didn't get full until you stopped eating, don't feel like and aren't in physical pain... sounds like you are okay. How much you should be able to eat is certainly dependant on how big your pouch is. Did you surgeon give you any indication of how much you should be eating at each sitting? If he did... be sure to follow his instructions. The other thing to keep in mind is that what you ate is soft and mushy. It has been my experience that I can eat more quantity of soft food vs. hard dense foods. If I recall correctly it took about 1 month for my head hunger to go away... but one day soon you will look at your small meal and think of it as "normal". Best of luck...
Mrs Mel!
I am almost 4 weeks out and still only on a liquid diet per doc's orders. I think eating solids like that is way too soon for 2 weeks out. But, if you are following what your doc said, and you aren't hurting you should be ok as the others said.
Question, how fast did you eat it? At this point, in my opinion, you should be taking extremely small bites, like the size of pencil erasers and chewing them 40 times each. And it should take you at least 45 min to "finish" eating.
I would ask the doctor how big your pouch is and start measuring your food to that amount. 1 cup is the equivalent of 8 oz which is a lot! My pouch is only 1.5 oz.
Even if you are able to eat 8 oz and be ok....it's likely sliding through the pouch and you are defeating the purpose of surgery. Either that or you are stretching out your pouch or you could cause a staple line disruption by not allowing enough time to heal before putting stress on the staples.
My advice, just take it slow and be careful!
Good luck