Please help
I am having more pain - I was feeling just sore and then Sunday I started feeling really bad and by Monday I was really thinking I had imploded or something! I had bubbling out of my incision all day long, I think I am having migraines - I am not sure if they are migraines, but the headaches are sooo bad! I am getting chills and I am so sore that I can barely walk. What is happening to me it is not getting better it is getting worse?? any advice??
We called the Dr. but he said it is probably normal. Why am I seeping so much all of the sudden - I mean it like bubbles out and my stomach feels like jello everytime I move it hurts. I am really scared and frustrated, I just sit and cry.
If your doctor doesn't know whether what's happening is normal or not GO TO THE ER NOW! It does not sound normal to me. My mother had leaking spinal fluid one time that caused sever headaches...I doubt that's your problem, but the body has crazy symptoms. Don't wait because if something is wrong it could get worse. Bless your heart...I'm so worried for you. No matter what your surgeon says anyone, no matter what, should go to the hospital if they feel as bad as you describe.
God Bless,

I am still in trouble, but.... I go back on Tues to my Doc. He keeps saying no fever/ no trouble. I am afraid that I might get readmitted cuz this can't be right . I am more of an invalid now than when in the hosp. I went from walking and doing stuff and pain of 2 -3 to constant heavy drainage - always a pain level of 8-9 and migraines - things are sucking pretty badly now. My kids are scared, my husband frustrated and I am totally exhausted and disheartened! Taht is the update - wi**** were better news thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
By the way, Dave is doing great and down about 60 some lbs.
We are thrilled by that and we are glad that it went so well for him. Good job Dave - I am soo proud of you!!
Hi Taryn,
Thanks for the update. Sorry things are still not going too well for you. Hopefully something will change for the good soon. Glad to hear that you go back to the Doctor today. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
PS -- Give Dave a pat on the back and tell him he is doing wonderful!
Best Regards