What about eating ?
Dave has been doing great but if he tries refried beans or oatmeal cereal he can't get it down, how long does it feel like that he said it just feels like it won't go down this is after one or two bites. When he eatws soup he eats about 3/4 of a cup and we are just wondering wha it will be like when he starts soft foods and regualr foods will it be easier?

As time goes on it does get easier and easier. In the beginning, I could only eat 2 ounces at a meal. I had to be very careful and chew solids well or it would cause pain. You have to be careful the first 9 months or so because you don`t want to disrupt the staple line. I am 3 years post op and can eat fairly normal. Take advantage of this first year out. It`s called the "honeymoon period". The weight falls off. The maintaining isnt easy. But I am thankful I can`t eat near what I used to. Good Luck.
I couldn't do watered down oatmeal in the beginning. Refried beans were okay some days and didn't work other days. It just takes time. Keep in mind that just because something doesn't work today does not mean it will not work tomorrow or further in the future. I couldn't do ketchup FOREVER; now I can. I still have a hard time with pasta. For me I think of eating as A Necessary Evil. After I eat a protein based meal I have to lie down for atleast 30 minutes. I can not take the pressure of the food in my pouch; it makes me want to
. Took me 8 months to figure out the "lay down thing". When I was feeling like
early on I would walk and that would help me to "burp".
Good Luck!