Thursday's Committment
YAY Sharon!!!
I made my goal yesterday too!
No Sugar! I have now been sugar free for two days!
Today's commitment is: you guessed it! NO SUGAR!
Other than that, I'm not doing that good...yesterday I ate a half a can of pringles, a turkey & cheese sandwich, a cheeseburger, and a bowl of (sugar-free of course**** cream. Still, it could have been worse. I'm not trying to diet right now- just trying to get off sugar addiction. Removing starch from my diet and exercising more will be next.
I did walk a mile during lunch yesterday, and went to the gym and walked a mile and a half on the treadmill. I know I need to be doing Much Much more, because I signed up for a 5 mile race that is in 2 months. I ran it last year in an hour, which was good for me, and that day I was my lowest weight in 15 years (130). Last year I worked out two hours a day, six days a week, for 6 months to prepare for it and it was still hard. This years run will be really really tough! But I signed up and paid for it yesterday, so I am committed to going!
Woo Hoo Tammy!!
I am glad that you are going through with the marathon. I saw in your profile you were considering not doing it. Good for you! I will be here cheering you on as you prepare for the race.
Glad that you met yesterday's goals -- the weekend is always the hardest for me as it is totally unstructured! I am really struggling with getting the water in. I hope by making these challenges each day I will get to a point where water is "second nature" and no longer... blechky! We'll see.
Have a great day and wishing you luck! You can do it Tammy!
Hi Sharon,
I am sorry to report that I sucked today...
I am actually Not attempting a marathon this year. That's something you have to train for at least a year. I am going to walk the 5 miler though. I signed up yesterday. I hope to do the marathon before I'm 40, because after that it gets harder.
The weekend is hard for me too, especially since I did so poorly today. I'm already craving more ice cream. That's why I only bought one cone, so I wouldn't have a whole container to eat.
I don't have trouble getting water in, because I drink constantly. But now that I'm trying to follow the pouch rules for dummies - not drinking with meals, it's a lot harder. I put stevia in my water to make it more palatable.
Time to get good tomorrow!
Tomorrows goal- NO SUGAR and Follow the pouch rules for dummies.
Yesterday -- Met the exercise and water goals -- had cereal for dinner so I blew the sugar goal -- Just didn't feel like cooking! BLAH!
Today -- Chalk this one up as a total failure; unless drinking 1.5 pots of coffee counts as a goal -- not a drop of water in besides the coffee -- no exercise; had some ice cream -- TODAY SUCKED!!
Tomorrow -- Exercise (PS -- It is already "tomorrow" here -- 1:20 a.m. -- I am busy listing stuff on Ebay at my storefront! WOO HOO!! NOT...)
-109 (hopefully still -- Tuesday is my official weigh in day!)
Hi Tammy,
Well -- weekends just are not my "thing". I didn't overeat persay; but then I didn't eat for fuel either. I had a scrambled egg and a piece of bacon for breakfast (good choice). An ice cream sandwich in the afternoon (it was hot; last minute decision=poor choice), and the pepperoni and cheese off 2 pieces of pizza (mediocore choice). I guess it could have been A LOT WORSE!! LOL -- Monday is right around the corner -- thank God -- I am glad that we are doing this "checking-in" thing as it lets me know that the weekends are totally out of control! What's up with that???? Anyway -- I hope you had more control today.
But ya know what? Being out of control 2 days out of 7 is just not acceptable. I am not great at math -- but what would that be 20% of each week? Is it also 20% of each month? and 20% of each year?... that I am sacrificing? I would feel much better if I gain control one day of each weekend -- 10% (or whatever the math is) would be much more acceptable. Truthfully I just need to expect more from myself. I want to get to goal -- So that will be my late week committment -- to get one day of the weekend under control.
I feel like I do a good job during the week. It is much easier to stay on task -- but there is no reason why I can not apply that same effort to one weekend day.
Something to ponder anyway -- Thanks for listening -- I appreciate it!
-109 (I hope)
Good Morning Ladies
I had an okay weekend. Friday I did great, instead of drinking 64 oz of water I ended up drinking 128 oz. It was so hot and when I walked my mile, I just sucked the water down!!! Saturday I didn't do so well, I had a belgian waffle smothered with strawberries and whipped cream and some ice cream for dinner. Sunday I made up for it though. I had watermelon and cantaloupe all day until dinner and I had more ice cream. D'OH!! I did however do 1 mile on Saturday and Sunday. Now that Monday is here, I'm back on track. I've already had 2 bottles of water and oatmeal (yuck) for breakfast. I have my salad and plenty of watermelon to last through work and school. I'm going to take the dog for a 1 mile walk tonight. Wish me luck
Godd luck Ladies, we can do it

Good Morning Jenelle,
Hows the weather over there? It just got BLACK as night here -- looks like Tornado weather to me.
The only upside to my whole weekend is that I lost 1/2 of a pound. I really struggle getting the weight off now. I am lucky if I can lose 3-5 pounds a month.
Sounds like you got a good plan going for the day. I am getting ready to brew up some coffee -- I think I will drink a bottle of water while it brews and get a jump on that 64oz of water thing. I have a "Shape-up" bar for lunch today. Haven't planned dinner yet... but I will do that before I leave work today.
TODAY'S COMMITTMENT: No Ice Cream, No Sugar Cereal, No Pizza -- I will walk 1 mile!
Hi Sharon!
OK here we go again...back to Monday. Today's goal:
I sucked all weekend. pigged out on ice cream- not the sugar free kind.
Didn't exercise at ALL. Drank water though.
Coffee is better than no liquid at all, so don't feel bad about that. What are you selling on ebay? I really need to get busy selling again.
Yesterday I had an ice cream cone for lunch, went to dairy queen and had a chocolate peanut buster parfait for desert, then pizza for dinner (oh yeah, there's FUEL!- NOT)
You are right, out of control two days a weeks is just NOT acceptable. (it's 29%) I think a good goal would be maybe 1-3 days per month (3-10%). Maybe like the first or last day of each month. The only problem with that is if I give myself that one day, I'll have a hard time getting back to the plan the next day. I'm still not going for weekend control, I'm just trying to get a handle on my original goal- NO SUGAR. I even have sugar free ice cream at home and I STILL went out for the sugar kind. What is the matter with me???
Good job on the water intake! Keep it up! Way to go on the walking too!
Be careful on the sugar though. With VBG it doesn't make you dump if you eat it, so you have to be able to control yourself (unlike ME!)
Keep up the good work!
So far today (Monday) I've had two cups of kool aid made with splenda, a slice of pizza, and a bowl of grapes. Could be worse, and it is still in my goal of no sugar. Wish me luck!