Successful VBG patients...How do you do it????
I had Open VBG almost 3 years ago. I lost 65 pounds in two months after surgery, then nothing more. I kept it off for 2 years, but have gained back 35 pounds in the last 8 months.
How do you keep from gaining the weight back? I really really do not want to go back to the way I was but I feel powerless to stop it. I've tried literally EVERY diet/exercise/weight loss product I can find.
I drink Lots of water, and exercise 3-4 days a week, but I can't seem to control my diet. I am fine most of the day, but end up eating everything in sight in the evening. Any advice Greatly appreciated.
Hi Tammy, the good news is that you control this. The bad news is that you control this. There must be a reason why you are sabotaging yourself. Have you tried therapy to try to sort it out? Have you discussed this with your surgeon? Perhaps he will be able to give you some advice. My weight loss has stalled today at about 104-107 pound loss. I know that I need to recommit to myself and get the weight loss moving again. Are you attending a support group in your area? I think that you have a number of options open to you. Change things up and see what you come up with! MOst of all -- BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
Best of luck...
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for your words of wisdom. I think the reason I am saboging my efforts is the same reason I couldn't lose weight before I had surgery.
Maybe the answer to the obesity epidemic isn't surgery at all. Maybe the true 'magic pill' is curing the cause of overeating. For me, I don't know what that is. I was in therapy for a couple years before sugery, and on medication, and tried literally Everything I could find to lose the weight. Pills, patches, liquids, diets, exercise, acupressure, currently trying very expensive weight loss shoes, lol. My feet feel great, but I don't think they'll help me change my eating habits.
I haven't talked to my surgeon (or any doctor) since the day I left the hospital after having surgery. I called his office a few times, but never did reach him. There are a few support groups here, but they are very hostile to VBG patients. so it's not supportive at ALL.
Thanks for your support!
Have you tried tracking your food intake & exercise on I find it to be highly useful when I need to get myself back on track. There are times that I will not put one thing in my mouth until I input it into Fitday. Sometimes seeing the calories/carbs/protein numbers change motivate me to make better choices. There is something about seeing it all in black and white that makes one more accountable. If you have never used the site before do it today. It's free if you use it web based.
Love yourself enough to do what is right for yourself; not what is easy!
Keep coming here to get support! We care.
Believe in yourself!
Open VBG 10.28.03
-108 pounds
340# start
232# today
190# goal
5' 3" -- age 37

Hi Tammy, I just happened to see this board, so I came on to check it out. I just read your post and I'm so sorry to hear that you do not get the support you need. It's not right. We've all had surgery to better are life, it doesn't matter what kind we have we should still be supportive of one another. Have you tried any other web site to see if there is more support. You can e-mail me anytime. I did have the ryn but to me it makes no difference and if your having a down day you can complain to me. That's what support is all about. I want to try to do the but every time I get on their I get confused. I don't know how to work it and I've written to them for help but they never wrote back. Is it confusing or am I just dense. I know that would help me with my eating habits.
Blessings to you
Geri V.
I just now read your profile & pouches for dummies. That's Great information! Thank you for sharing it. I think I fit in the 'non-compliant' category, minus the attitude problem. I eat whatever I want, as much as I want, drink with meals, etc. I do think it's partly due to lack of support though. I have never even met anyone else that has had VBG since I left the hospital.
By-the-way, Great profile!
What did you think of Fitday? The pie chart that shows fat/carbs/protein I find to be highly motivating. I try to make my pie chart show at least 50% and don't really worry about the fat/carb as long as the protein is high enough.
I also really like the weight charting. I record my weight every Tuesday on an Excel spreadsheet. About once a month I log that information into Fitday so I can look at my gains/losses over the last year.
I don't know how often you come to the message board here at OH. But I come every single day. I haven't been logging onto the VBG board as much because not as many people use it. I have always received tons of support from the "rny-ers" on the regular message board here at OH. I hope that the days of looking down on VBG are past. I do not attend a WLS support group so I really try to use OH for that.
Maybe if we started posting to the VBG board more other VBG'ers would join us. I am going to post a "Today's Committment" (after I look up the spelling of committment???) first thing tomorrow. You just feel free to join in with your own committment for the day!
It would be nice to have another VBGer to buddy up with!!!

OK, I signed up for fit day, and 'committed' myself to the goal of following the pouches for dummies rules. So today, I loaded up on water before lunch, drank nothing while eating (OMG I was STARVING after I ate) Now I'm dying of thirst because I usually drink water all day long, and having to wait an hour (or is it two?) after eating is driving me crazy.
I like fit day, but I don't know if I will have time to use it, I work 3 jobs and have 3 time is in short supply. I sneak a peak at this message board at work when I have a minute.
I usually weigh myself every morning and set a goal not to Gain weight that day. Today I did not weigh myself.
I have one email pal that I talk to every day, I'm going to share fit day with her if she's not doing it. I'm not sure if she is on this board or not. She's from the VBG yahoo group.
Today's committment:
follow the pouches for dummies rules.
I think we Should use this board as much as possible, so other VBGers will use it too, that will help us all!