Old WLS is causing lots of new problems. Need help!

on 10/26/10 1:17 pm - Falls Church, VA
Hello all,

I had a stapling procedure in 1982 when I was 17.   The details are fuzzy and I do not know which procedure I had but have a vague recall of the picture the doctor drew and it looks similar to VBG.  I lost 130 lbs fairly quickly and 25 years, 4 kids, and thousands of cheeseburgers later, it's mostly back.  But that isn't my primary complaint.

For the past 4 years I have sufferred with progressively painful and severe reflux.  I have aspirated enough fluid while sleeping to scar my lungs.  I have managed to stop doing that by not eating or drinking for several hours before bed.  However, the GERD is terribly painful and I take Nexium and Tums for breakthrough pain. Recently, it was discovered that I had iron deficiency anemia (hematocrits and hemoglobin very very low), and I am currently taking iron supplements.  Also severely lacking in b12 which I take a supplement for as well. 
Even more recently, I have begun spontaneously vomiting--like the kind that happens when you are pregnant or carsick..only 10 times worse and without warning.  The only problem I had with vomiting before was from simple lack of space in the stomach pouch to accomodate the food.  This is a different type--the food has already "gone down the tube" as I like to say and is being digested when I become horribly nauseous and throw it up. 

I have a gastroent, have had endoscopy which shows hiatal hernia that isn't obstructive.  Gastro isn't impressed with my problems--doesn't seem to really know what to do with me.  He sent me to have a barium swallow and the xray techs said they can't give a barium swallow to a stapled stomach.

I know for a fact that a lifetime of stapled stomach has caused me to suffer nutritional deficiencies and I would like to get help for all of these issues but i feel like I need to see a gastro that understands this type of surgery and can help me.  Also a nutritionist.  Maybe a revision? 
Are there any old WLS guinea pigs out there like myself with suggestions? 

The hospital that did my surgery was closed and the records destroyed.  The surgeon was in her 60s then so i doubt she is around to tell me what to do.

on 10/27/10 3:23 am - GA

Hello Courtney and all,
Wow Courtney,
Our situation is very  similar.  I had my stapling done in about 1988.  Like you the details are alittle fuzzy also.  My area of the stapling came "oudone" shortly after my surgery.  I really don't think I had completely healed when it came undone.  I still remembering vomiting profusely and feeling something "give" (for a better term).  After that I could eat whatever I wanted as long as I chewed it well.  I am still left with the banded area at the entrance to my stomach.  I still have to becareful what I eat as far as the opening with the band goes.  No whole corn, pork, spicy food, fresh veg's. kill me ....you know the drill.  I still throw up a great deal of the time. 
I have been having bad reflux.  My dentist noted that I have places on my enamel where the acid has and is damaging my teeth.  
 I have been aspirating and waking myself up from it.  You have to have been there to understand what it's like.  I wake up chocking and I can't catch my breathe.  I have wondered how much I have aspiratred.    Like you, I can't eat hours before bed. 
My last bloodwork I had done showed me as being anemic, I never had trouble with my hemoglobin being so low.  
My vit D was very low also. I asked for that to be checked after watching a tv show on what vit D does.  It's an amazing what all it can do for the body.  I think it should be in the "norm" when blood is drawn.  But you have to have a special blood test done for it.
    I too have just recently started becoming horribly nauseous and to the point of throwing up.  I fight that to the death.   I am taking phenergan with my pain meds for another health issue and the phenergan really helps to keep the nausea under control. 
I have a hiatal hernia also.   I had all the tests run.  They did a barium swallow on me.  It showed right where my rip is, it shows where the staples came undone. 

I am sorry you still have problems.  You know back when we had this done there wasn't alot of long term effects to go by....I guess we are it.  We are the "old WLS" guinea pigs as you called it.

I am considerating one of the newer weight loss surgeries.  I don't even know if it is available in the area where I live.  I saw a program the other day where a new WLS actually takes out 80% of the stomach.  People are really losing weight.  They have to watch and be sure nutrition needs are met but we still have to do that now....I too have gained alot of my weight back.
I have to do something.

Courtney, thanks for your email.  It's nice (at least) to know I am not alone with all this.

So if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them too. 

on 11/17/10 6:57 am, edited 11/17/10 6:59 am - Alexandria, IN
I had VBG in 1985 and had a similair problem in 2003 and was hopitlized for 10 weeks. However I had lost from 333lbs to 116lbs and kept it off for 17 years. When the problem started I dropped to 86lbs. They did exploratory surgery and undone my surgery. Cause staples had fallen out and were causing an infection in the lining of my stomach. Could've been fatel. I wouls suggest a consult with a good Weight Loss Surgeon in your area. ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please do this immediately! Best wishes to you! As you can see I've recently had VSG and love my sleeve!!!! I can eat anything without vomitting, nothing at all like the first go round.

21 lbs. lost pre-op

on 3/3/11 1:23 pm - CA
 Hi there!
Im a new VSG and I just came across this post. Okay probably a silly question but I have to ask. DO you know if the same complications that you had like staples falling out are a risk with the VSG as well? Its been one of my secret fears :(
Thanks and Im glad your loving your sleeve I am too!!!
HW 275   SW 229   CW 136 

on 12/18/10 12:50 am - SC
Add me to the "guinea pig" crowd.  I've experienced what you are going through from Day 1 after my VBG in Jan 99.  Have suffered every day since.  The GERD, the reflux; not the aspiration, thank God.  I had gained about 50% of my weight back... 350 to 160 to 250.

I've seen so many gastroenterologists that I became familiar to them like an old friend.  I've had ulcers and throat lesions from all the stomach acids and my teeth look, and feel, horrible, from all the missing enamel which cannot be replaced.  I am currently in need of $3500 worth of dental work... that's the part my dental plan DOESN'T cover.

However, that will do me no good without a revision first.  My bariatric surgeron is going to attempt an Anastomosis between the walls of the staples.  Not easy considering that it is an area prone to low blood supply.  If that doesn't work... and he says he will be able to tell while in the OR... I will have a RNY Bypass.

Like the poster before me, I recommend a referral to a GOOD bariatric surgeon.  Nevermind how far you have to travel to get to one.  Do your research and find one that accepts your insurance.  Get your referral and make a written list of ALL your problems and all the meds you've taken over the years. Go in with you head held high and don't accept "no" as an answer.  Chances are, you won't have to anyway.  I went in to my surgeons office ready for a fight.  It never occurred.  He ordered an
upper GI for 3 days later and was there when the procedure was done... ask for this... so he/she can see EXACTLY what is going on.  I took three small sips of barium before he and the radiologist both knew the problem.  The area around my band is closing with scar tissue and normal tissue growth.  The passage was closed all but a small drip.

I'm having surgery this Monday afternoon, 20 December. I hope to be home for Christmas but it's doubtful.  My surgery will be invasive which leaves a greater chance of bleeding and leakage, not to mention the pain.  I told my surgeon that I just want to feel normal again.  I haven't eaten a banana is 8 years.  Or bit into an apple.  Or eaten an orange.  Or steak. And chicken has been a big no-no since '99.  I took the easy way out and ate what went down the easiest... junk food.  Chips disolve without coming back up.. hence my weight gain.  I'm sure you know what I mean.

So, seriously, locate that bariatric surgeron and get that referral.  It's the best place to start.  I'm just upset that I waited so long to get to the right doctor.  A gastroenterologist can tell you the problem, but he won't fix it.  So don't waste your time there.

Many prayers and blessings that you find the right doctor... and soon. 

God Bless !!

on 12/18/10 2:38 pm - Falls Church, VA
To my fellow guinea pigs: I am so grateful for your response. I have truly felt alone in the world because I have so little info about my surgery being that I was one of the youngest people to have it in the country, according to the surgeon who performed the procedure. Interestingly, I do recall that she was a General Surgeon who had performed a number of these surgeries, but back then bariatric medicine was a fairly new and controversial idea.
When I had the surgery, I truly was alone, since this surgery then was a last resort for morbidly obese people with extreme weight related health issues.
I was barely 17 and had no such health issues, but I was depressed to the point of non-functioning so they opted to go through with it at my request.
Now, it's much more common to see, but whenever I find out that "so and so" had her stomach stapled, I don't run up to so and so and introduce myself as her sister in WLS. Why? Because, I do not look like a person who has gone through such surgery should look. I am fat--not haven't left the house for 2 years fat..i'm fairly healthy, functional, married, kids, house, etc. but if I told a new WLS patient that I had done it, I imagine it might be discouraging for them. Plus, it's really kind of embarassing.
When I have complained about my weight to close friends, they have suggested.."Have you thought about an operation? A lapband or something?"
Poor things, they only want to be helpful--I hate to see their faces when I say.."Oh, yeah..I did that already" What's your next suggestion?

Someone was talking about never eating a banana, etc. This is my experience. Soft, fatty foods go down the easiest, and it was not long before I had developed extremely poor eating habits even if I was no longer overeating.
I have very expensive dental issues but it's not from vomiting or acid. Mine is from constantly and obsessively chewing ice for 2 and a half years when I was suffering from iron deficiency Anemia and didn't know it. A common symptom of anemia is Pica, or a constant compulsion to chew on items that are non-nutritional. Ice is a common one. I have cracked most of my back molars and required root canals. I have had to replace several crowns at 1000 bucks a pop.
Thank God, the compulsion for ice stopped when the anemia was treated.
I plan to see a bariatric surgeon so I can finally get some insight into what my body looks like inside and why I suffer so much. Sometimes, the acid burns so horribly that I feel like I will pass out from the pain. None of the medications offers total relief from this.
I fear the pressure of having another surgery. I don't want to have my stomach restricted to the size of a newborn again. It's not natural and it taught me nothing. If I never lose another pound, I would be okay with it. I just cannot stand this pain, constant belching and the nausea that comes from nowhere at the worst possible time.
I want to be healthy and fit, but I am not convinced that a person missing 85 percent of their stomach can be healthy and/or fit. Also, I contracted a MRSA from an outpatient brachioplasty (batwings--for the uninitiated among us)several years ago and I feared for my life. I had to have IV Vancomycin for 4 hours a day for 3 weeks followed by 3 more weeks of Bactrim before I fully recovered. My infection was so bad that my newly tightened upper arms burst open at the incision seam only 2 days postop. My hands became so swollen with infection that they looked like Popeye's. I was extremely ill and vowed to never, ever go under the knife again unless it was truly a life and death matter. I guess that is my dilemma.
Thanks for the support, old-timers. It's nice to know you are out there!
on 12/29/10 3:31 pm - PA
I had my VBG done in 1988. I was 17. My doctor experimented on me, doing a different version of the procedure than the one that had been explained to me and my mother, and rushing us into surgery a week early to fill a hole in his schedule.

I an't eat protein or vegetables. I frequently vomit for hours, sometimes days. I've lost all of my teeth, and I live on proton-pump inhibitors. I'm also anemic and have profound Vitamin D deficiency despite taking massive doses of supplements prescribed by my rheumatologist. (I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the last year.)

on 12/30/10 11:34 am
Count me in as an "old timer" WLS guinea pig also.  I was 26, weighed 305# in 1998 and was scared where I was headed.  I don't even remember how or where I heard of the surgery, but I jumped at it hoping it would save me from a life of doom.

I was never referred to a nutritionist and WL surgeries were too new for there to be any type of support groups.  I lost over 100# in the first year but never reached my goal weight but I did feel much better and felt halfway normal for the most part.  

Over the years it has slowly come back.  I remember to this day my surgeon telling me this was a "one shot deal" and so all these years as the weight has come back (up and down through various fad diets) that I didn't have any options.  Job losses, followed by a very stressful job really escalated the weight gain.  I had never really heard of revisions being done until a friend of mine who had the lapband done said I should at least check into it.  I start googling things and let me just say my eyes have been wide open reading and consuming anything and everything since about a month ago.

I contacted a couple of bariatric offices and was told if I was interested in a revision that I would need a copy of my medical records from that surgery.  I just got them last week and so now I feel consumed with trying to understand all the changes to the WL surgeries available.  It's overwhelming.  I wish there was an objective place I could go to for a side-by-side comparison (risks, benefits, long term results, etc)- but I am picking it up piece meal reading other postings, various website articles, etc.  It's hard to really do a good comparison this way- but I just found this site tonight and really like that it offers forums on all the different WL surgeries.

Then, I see this posting and felt compelled to post here.  I am leaning towards the sleeve, but I feel I need to understand more about the other options first.

So much to learn...
on 1/2/11 2:45 am, edited 1/2/11 2:46 am
I posted here last week, when I first found this site- got a message that since I was new the moderator would have to approve the posting.  It has never showed up for some reason, can't imagine why.

Anyways, I am also a VBG veteran.  I had this surgery in 1998, pushing 300plus pounds with no end in sight.  I don't honestly remember how I heard of the surgery, was only a couple years post college and starting my career.  I was afraid about where things were heading as I couldn't get it under control.  

At that time, WL surgeries were so new, there weren't things like support groups and the internet was not anything like it is today to research things or find others going through the same thing.  I had good success the first year.  I never reached my goal weight, but I did loose over 100# and was feeling much better about myself.  Then, the industry I work in took a real nose dive and the job situation took its toll on me and I started to loose focus on healthy eating. 

I honestly never thought about ever having the WL surgery again because I so distinctly remember my surgeon saying this was a "one shot deal"...  Just by chance I came across information on people doing revisions to their surgeries and realized maybe I would have a 2nd chance.  My insurance covers WL surgeries, and ever since I have been consumed with researching all the changes since then.

I'm really leaning towards the sleeve, but am nervous that it's just the latest fad.  I wouldn't mind the RnY, but destined to taking a lifetime of vitamins/ supplements wouldn't be a good thing for me.  I have serious issues with swallowing pills.

Anyways, glad to hear from some other veterans.
on 1/14/11 11:29 am - Canton, IL
Oh my gosh, I seriously felt like I was the only person in the world to go through some of this. Bless your hearts for the problems you are having and for the information your posts have given me. I didn't even know what was happening to me, but it appears I have been aspirating...scared me to death and didn't even know what it was.  I am an intelligent person, but was left with no resource. I went out of state to have the surgery done and received a 10 page booklet on followup and that was it. I have the soft food syndrome, have lost my teeth and my hair...and I am sure that my staple line or something has gone awry because I can eat sometimes more than I should...but can't eat most of everything without vomiting. And after all of that,have only kept off 43 pounds. I had the surgery to help me extend my life, but am now scared.  I have pain in my tummy where the pouch was stapled (at least I think). I spoke wth a good bariatric surgeon who said there are no real revisions to th VBG.  I need any guidance you can provide and will give any I have that you may need...thank you so much.
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