My Surgery in Cancun went well, I will be heading home to Belize tomorrow...
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick note to say my sugery went well here in Cancun. I think I will be heading home to Belize tomorrow and I will be flying part way to shorten up the trip...
I thought I had made a big mistake, I felt so awful, and I was scared being on my own. However, today I am feeling sooooo much better.
I have not been hungry once!! Yaaaahhhhhh!!
I just wanted to touch base. I am at an internet cafe and I need to toot. I remember reading that I should never trust it is just a toot! So I had better run...
Thanks for everything everyone!
Hey Sleeve Sister!!
I'm glad to hear you are doing well. I got home from the hospital on the 14th and each day I feel a little bit better. I am walking and sipping and the soreness is getting much better. I can't wait until we are both a few months out and are posting how much weight we have lost it is getting exciting. I actually lost 4 lbs the two days I was in the hospital.
Good luck with everything!
I'm glad to hear you are doing well. I got home from the hospital on the 14th and each day I feel a little bit better. I am walking and sipping and the soreness is getting much better. I can't wait until we are both a few months out and are posting how much weight we have lost it is getting exciting. I actually lost 4 lbs the two days I was in the hospital.

Good luck with everything!
Hi Cindy,
I just saw your post, and I am glad your feeling better. Your on your way to a new healtheir you! I am looking forward to hearing your updates
Take care!
I just saw your post, and I am glad your feeling better. Your on your way to a new healtheir you! I am looking forward to hearing your updates

Take care!
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both, And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could, To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that, the passing there, Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay, In leaves no step had trodden black, Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh, Somewhere ages and ages hence: two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.---Robert Frost
Thank you so much you two!
I admit the first few days were rough, I felt nautious, alone (I went by myself) and a bit overwhelmed...
The first day I was so scared I was throwing up constantly, mostly bile and blood, and no one seemed to care or be concerned. No one spoke english and the patient facilitator seemed to have abandoned me after surgery. Finally my surgeon came to see me and told me take deep breaths and he would get them to give my something interveniously for nausia. I felt much better.
I took any pain killers or things to sleep that they would give me and I basically went into hybernation.
I was either sleeping or walking. Every single time I woke up, night or day, I went walking the halls...
Showers felt wonderful, clean sheets and nightdress felt fabuluous. I spoiled myself and allowed myself the time I needed to get through those first few difficult days.
The day of the dye test I was so worried, I had thrown up so much that first day. But no it went just great.
Every day got better and easier. I am thrilled. I can walk further and further. I have enjoyed going from intervenous to clears, to full liquids and tommorow I will go the mushies or purees or whatever it is called. I took a bit longer than they said, I did not want to push myself. I can't wait to mush up some foods and actually taste those flavours...
I have not weighed myself. I am going to weigh once a month. But I am pretty sure I am losing.
I feel great and and so glad I did this.
Please keep me posted ladies, it is great to hear how you are doing.
Thanks so much,
I admit the first few days were rough, I felt nautious, alone (I went by myself) and a bit overwhelmed...
The first day I was so scared I was throwing up constantly, mostly bile and blood, and no one seemed to care or be concerned. No one spoke english and the patient facilitator seemed to have abandoned me after surgery. Finally my surgeon came to see me and told me take deep breaths and he would get them to give my something interveniously for nausia. I felt much better.
I took any pain killers or things to sleep that they would give me and I basically went into hybernation.
I was either sleeping or walking. Every single time I woke up, night or day, I went walking the halls...
Showers felt wonderful, clean sheets and nightdress felt fabuluous. I spoiled myself and allowed myself the time I needed to get through those first few difficult days.
The day of the dye test I was so worried, I had thrown up so much that first day. But no it went just great.
Every day got better and easier. I am thrilled. I can walk further and further. I have enjoyed going from intervenous to clears, to full liquids and tommorow I will go the mushies or purees or whatever it is called. I took a bit longer than they said, I did not want to push myself. I can't wait to mush up some foods and actually taste those flavours...
I have not weighed myself. I am going to weigh once a month. But I am pretty sure I am losing.
I feel great and and so glad I did this.
Please keep me posted ladies, it is great to hear how you are doing.
Thanks so much,