Anybody out there???????? No VBGers???

Hi. I am so very impressed by you and your honesty. I guess some folks just don't get "it." As far as the problems with the job, I feel for you. Be strong and perhaps you will find a happy medium. Perhaps your fortay is to teach in a different medium and you may find this in the Calf. visit. Michelle a.k.a chell1957

My weight loss journey could not be going better.....after 7 years I still am unable to eat toooo much and feel lucky to have such good health.......I did follow the rules and still am careful to get my nutritional needs met........good luck everyone and thank goodness for WSL

I had Stomach Stapling in Feb 1992. I do not know which surgery it is called now... I'm sorry. It went very well for I'd say for 11-12 years! Then Bam! I started gaining weight in late 2003... So five years of gaining weight for me now!!!
I just found out in Sept 2008 that my staple line came open and my band also opened very wide! But I still am happy. Because I weighed near 40 lbs. I now weigh between 241-244.
My Doctor said she is surprised I gained so little weight. She said I should have put on much more weight. I gained about 40 pounds back. I guess that was suppose to make me feel better. I am only 5'2". Most folks did gain almost all the weight back and sometimes even more, from the VGB I had, and when I had it. I am looking into a revision. I Don't know what kind can be done. Would I do it again?? In a heart beat!!! I am still not sorry I had WLS!!! I think I would be dead by now, had I not had it back then. I was just gaining more weight every year. Alizka
I just found out in Sept 2008 that my staple line came open and my band also opened very wide! But I still am happy. Because I weighed near 40 lbs. I now weigh between 241-244.
My Doctor said she is surprised I gained so little weight. She said I should have put on much more weight. I gained about 40 pounds back. I guess that was suppose to make me feel better. I am only 5'2". Most folks did gain almost all the weight back and sometimes even more, from the VGB I had, and when I had it. I am looking into a revision. I Don't know what kind can be done. Would I do it again?? In a heart beat!!! I am still not sorry I had WLS!!! I think I would be dead by now, had I not had it back then. I was just gaining more weight every year. Alizka
I had my VBG back in 2000 and it was very successful. But.... due to my bad eating habits I gained a lot back ( I don't even want to say). But the last month has been awesome for me because I have somehow managed to encorporate healthy food and stay away from the chocolate bars. I totally blame my gain on me and not giving up on junk. My surgery was a success but I just got lazy.
getting ready for vbg if all goes well with next test. The ecco for the heart came back ABNORMAL. So getting that checked on tuesday and hope after that I'll get the go for the surgery. One question for anyone who can help. I am a type 1 diabetic on the insulin pump...any one out there??? I'm worried about crashes without enough food..anyone???