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Ms Court
on 2/16/10 9:16 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: RE: Disturbing Conversation

With all the research that I did  the main thing I noticed is that you have to get in the correct foods, nutrients, vitamins, etc.  There can be major complications, sickness, death if you don't.  That is why it is so important to have the follow up with the surgeon and bloodwork checked.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



Ms Court
on 2/16/10 9:14 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: Wednesday back on track check in

Good Morning!!!  So hubby ended up working late last night so I did get my errands in, did not get in a walk with the dog though I did play with him inside for a bit.  Slept pretty good last night which was a good thing since it was back to work at normal time today.  Got some meetings and such at work today then it will be home for the evening.  Hope you all have a great day!!

a.m. cuppas & protein in
B - yogurt & english muffin
S - banana
L - not sure
S - clementines
D - not sure


Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



Ms Court
on 2/16/10 9:10 pm - Remington, VA
I am glad to hear you have an endoscopy schedule as I immediately thought stricture when you described what you are going through.  Please make sure to keep drinking as much fluids as you can so that you don't get dehydrated.  Keep trying to find a protein supplement you can handle in order to get nutrients in.  You many want to try and get an earlier appointment for the endoscopy so that you are not waiting so long, not being able to eat/drink.  Stick your foods in the blender and puree it if you can can, keep trying to get stuff in.  Keep us updated.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 2/16/10 8:16 pm - va
RNY on 02/11/04 with
Topic: RE: Monday Back On Track -
Thank you for sharing the information. It is an ongoing journey and I have done well but it is a day to day struggle. I read an article yesterday about being an emotional eater. I have to keep in mind that the food may comfort me for a short time but the problem will remain. I have to break the cycle because I've come too far to turn around.
on 2/16/10 11:20 am
RNY on 09/19/07 with
Topic: RE: Monday Back On Track -

Thanks for the compliment, but have to tell you that, like a lot of others, being in the maintenance phase, I am still learning and struggling at times.  It's all about a lifestyle change, and remembering that our WLS really is a tool -- there's a lot that goes into it.  BUT, I wouldn't change a thing!  :)

Regarding my meals and the protein pudding.  I don't tolerate meats well, and to be honest, can live without eating any anyway.  So, I tend to find my protein in other sources, to include protein supplements and things like Greek yogurt.  I don't really have "meals," per say, but eat every couple of hours while striving for at least 100g of protein per day, and keeping carbs and calories on the lower side.  If I am eating out, I will concentrate on protein based soups, salads, things with cheeses, etc.  It seems to work relatively well for me.  As far as the pudding:  I bought some from a couple of the bariatic supply sites, but have now figured out that I can make my own with Hood Carb Countdown milk, Jello sugar free, fat free pudding mixes and unflavored Unjury protein mix.  It tastes just like regular pudding, but has a lot more bang for your buck with the protein.

I hope this helps.  Hang in there -- you are doing great, and will continue to, I am sure!  :)

Cindy   Beach    

5'9"   347/200/186/180

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

....Helen Keller

on 2/16/10 9:15 am
I hope you feel better soon. I am 8 months out and I still have problems eating, but its getting better. I have an appt. to get an endocopy done.
on 2/16/10 9:07 am
Topic: RE: Disturbing Conversation
Thanks Pennny

on 2/16/10 7:17 am - VA
I am so sorry that you feel so bad. I am almost 3 months out and still have to be very careful about what I eat - my pouch can be grouchy. About 4 weeks out from my surgery I couldn't eat because food and drinks hurt my stomach. I ended up having two endoscopies because I had a stricture. Things were much better after the first one and even better after the second. Please don't let yourself get dehydrated like I did. That was truly miserable.   I think after your endoscopy you are going to feel better. I had a hard time finding a protein drink that I could swallow without shuddering. Like others on this website have mentioned, my taste changed after surgery. I didn't like the protein that Walmart, GNC or Sam's Club sold anymore so ended up buying protein online from Unjury and I use the unflavored Unjury  which is smelly but once it is mixed with coffee or cocoa I don't smell it and I can't taste it at all. I drink the Believe drinks and the new chocolate smoothie from The smoothie is a little thick but tasty and has 35 grams of protein! . By the way, I used to live in the Belroi area of Gloucester and was in Gloucester yesterday visiting family.
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. 2 Tim 1:7
Penny Denny
on 2/16/10 7:07 am - Collinsville, VA
Topic: RE: Disturbing Conversation
I think your "friend" is confused. I believe that people that have bypass surgery adds 10-12 years to their life expectancy. I will research it some more,but I think I have read this somewhere.



on 2/16/10 4:09 am - Gloucester, VA

Hello I came across this website and thought id give it a try.I had gastric bypass 4 weeks ago and I cannot keep anything down,I have not ate in 4 days and i cannot stomach the protein drinks. went to gastroenterologist today and have to go back in hospital next tuesday for an endoscopy. Is this normal? I have lost 26 pounds but cant enjoy it because i am so miserable ANY ADVICE

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