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Cassandra B.
on 2/23/10 2:12 am - Alexandria, VA
Topic: Stinky Poops/Gas!! I can't take it anymore!!!

This is embarassing, but what the heck...

I hate that after I eat,  my stomach sounds like there is thunder outside, or sounds like I'm farting, when in fact that is not the case.  It's really embarassing.

What can I do about all this gas I have?  Is the sound ever going to go away after I eat?
Why do my poops/farts smell so badly...much, much worse then before I had my surgery?

Note:  I had my surgery April 28th of 2008.  I went from 281 lbs (size 3x) to no a nice 155 (size 7). Woo-Hoo!


Ms Court
on 2/22/10 11:43 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: Tuesday Back on Track Check in
Is everyone okay?  I apologize for my sporadicness the last few days.  My schedule has been off from my normal routine and it has affected my computer time.  Hopefully I will get back on track, definitely will be making more of an effort.  So I have been doing pretty well the last few days with exercise, been getting in some nice walks with the dog.  I know it is not nearly enough of what I need exercise wise but at least it is a start.  I haven't been feeling great recently, pretty sure it is because of several different things that I can work on, 1. not getting enough sleep, 2. not getting my fluids in, 3. not taking my vitamins, and 4. too much fat & carbs in my diet.  So a stronger effort I must make.

a.m. cuppas & protein in
B - yogurt & 1/2 bagel w/peanut butter
S - banana
L - leftovers
S - more fruit
D - not sure yet

Have a great day!!!

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 2/22/10 5:25 am - Culpeper, VA
Topic: RE: Just some figures
 That is just FANTASTIC!!!  I'm sure you will make it to normal!  :)  

At goal!
lost 155 lbs, go me!
on 2/20/10 4:15 am
Topic: RE: Just some figures
You are really an inspiration.  I have my surgery on 3/4/10 and keep going back and forth in my head about knowing I'll succeed to knowing I'll probably fail.  Thanks for your post.  It really encouraged me.
Best of luck and I hope you have continued success!
on 2/19/10 9:22 pm - Woodbridge , VA
VSG on 09/30/08 with
Topic: RE: Looking for VSG surgeon in VA
I chose Dr Moazzez for his history as a great general surgeon.   Spoke to numerous surgical nurses and the most common comment was if they needed surgery he was the one they would use. Dr Mo is a truly caring person as well.   

   I also chose Fair Oak Hospital for their superior WLS program..   Their anestisists are all trained in Bariatric intebations.  The nursing staff is the best.  

Have your sister contact the local hospital and ask to talk with some the the VSG'ers.    Perhaps go to some support groups.    Still think local is best.

Good luck and feel free to contact me    Am available for a phone call too
               lost 140 lbs     

             Extended TT 12/072009     Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Krieger                     
on 2/19/10 9:20 am - Vienna, VA
Topic: RE: Looking for VSG surgeon in VA
Dr. Eric Pinnar in Reston does the sleeve. Although Reston isn't super-close to Richmond, there isn't constant follow-up required after a sleeve like there is with a band, so that shouldn't be much of a problem.
(deactivated member)
on 2/19/10 9:11 am - Yorktown, VA
Topic: RE: Looking for VSG surgeon in VA
Dr. Elariny in NOVA does it, but he bills funky and may cost her more than another surgeon.  Dr. Sudan is at Duke in Durham, NC which is only about 1.5 to 2 hours from Richmond.  He does the DS, so I assume he can do the VSG.  (DS has a VSG stomach.)  Why can't she travel to MD?
(deactivated member)
on 2/19/10 9:07 am - Yorktown, VA
Topic: RE: Disturbing Conversation
Depending on how low it is, you may need more than once a week supplementation.  You can post on the MB to andrea of vitalady for a good opinion from people who know their stuff.  (Not that I'm saying your surgeon/nutritionist don't....)
on 2/19/10 6:02 am - Richmond, VA
Topic: RE: Friday back on track check in
I'm a lil late toady but better late than never,,,right???

Today has been jam packed and I love it that way!  Been up and on the go since 4:30.  Hit the gym at 5 then home to get food prepared and Kara up and off to school.  Did a lot of paperwork and then got some laundry and house work done then off to pick up Kara from school and on for round two at the gym.  Later tonight I'll have to hit up babies r us then home for hopefully a good nights sleep.  Tomorrow is shopping at the outlets then Sunday is riding my's been a while with the weather!

am-cuppas and vits in
b-eggs and toast
s-protein drink
l-banana and yogurt
s-protein drink
d-chilean sea bass and bang bang shrimp from bonefish grill

Have a great day and weekend all!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Ms Court
on 2/19/10 3:16 am - Remington, VA
Topic: Friday back on track check in
Well I headed in to work a bit later than normal today and again it through me all off track.  Can you tell I am a creature of habit and don't do well with change in my routine.  lol.  So enjoyed a relaxing evening with the hubby and youngest.  Got to sleep in a bit this a.m. and then come in to work, ran some errands at lunch time and it will be home for an evening iwth my hubby in a few.  Tomorrow I am heading over to my moms for some time with her & to highlight my hair.  Groceries are on my list for the weekend, not sure what Sunday will bring.  HOpe to get some exercise in too.  HOpe you all have a great one.

a.m. cuppas & protein
B - yogurt & english muffin
S -  none
L - leftovers
S - banana & clementines
D - undecided

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



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