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(deactivated member)
on 3/15/10 8:58 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Topic: RE: 1 Week Post-op
Not trying to be a kill joy here, but your stomach is still healing after surgery and although you feel fine it has not healed yet - so that is why they put you on a liquid or very mushy light diet. And you need to be a little careful of dense protein right now too......

I was on mushy food fairly soon after surgery and found it tough - because everything I liquidized tasted like dog food to me (not that I have eaten dog food lol) so I tried to chew it until it was pulp and as mushy as it could be before I swallowed it...

The first couple of weeks is rough but it does get better..and of course it will get even better once they fill your band but that is not usually for a few weeks after surgery to make sure your stomach is healed.....

Right now you need to do what YOUR surgeon or nutritionist said to do because each surgeon seems to have his own set of rules

It does get easier I promise!

(deactivated member)
on 3/15/10 8:49 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Topic: RE: NAWLS Retreat?
Hi Barb,

I have not been but am signed up for the October one..... Katie is great!

on 3/15/10 8:25 am - Woodbridge , VA
VSG on 09/30/08 with
Topic: RE: 1 Week Post-op
lol sounds like you have this well planned.    Keep in touch.   Reminder for all of us is good.  

You will do great!
               lost 140 lbs     

             Extended TT 12/072009     Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Krieger                     
on 3/15/10 8:20 am - Chesterfield, VA
Topic: RE: 1 Week Post-op
I'm seriously hoping that this week 2 goes by quickly so I can get to the mushies. I have stocked piled my freezer with cup fulls of different meals I've made over the last past 3 weeks for when I can eat again.  I already proportioned them and plan to use them as my lunch or dinner when the time comes.
on 3/15/10 8:01 am - Woodbridge , VA
VSG on 09/30/08 with
Topic: RE: 1 Week Post-op
I hear you .    Just be careful when testing dense items ..... My bander friend had a harder time with heaver meats....  moistening with gravies or broths helps too.  

I did not care for mushies /pureed and I just chewed chewed and chewed my food.   Just be careful.  

Week one before seeing the doctor I took fine silvers of cheese and melted in my mouth.

Good luck and keep in touch    Congratulations on being on the way to the loosers bench!
               lost 140 lbs     

             Extended TT 12/072009     Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Krieger                     
on 3/15/10 7:39 am - Chesterfield, VA
Topic: 1 Week Post-op
Hey everybody sorry for the delay, I've been really trying to learn this lap-band thing.  I'm still on liquid's until the end of this week and it's driving me crazy.  I must say I am soooo hungry and I have to confess that today when I had my cream soup (Clam Chowder) which I love so much...I ate the small bits of clams and a couple of the potato's that I chew chew chewed and chewed some more.  I tolerated the soup well but I don't want to pu**** I'm not suppose to start on my mushies until next week. Geezz oh man!
Please let me know what did your surgeon suggest for your week 2 post-op diet and how you guys dealt with it.

on 3/15/10 7:15 am - Taiwan
Topic: NAWLS Retreat?
Anyone from the VA message board been to a NAWLS Retreat?  I am signed up and so looking forward to the time away and with others that have experienced some of what POST OP WLS is all about....Are you one of those that has been to this retreat?


on 3/15/10 4:37 am - Chantilly, VA
Topic: RE: Monday back on track check in
Went to see the Terra Cotta Warrior exhibit at National Geographic on Saturday night and then out to dinner... my oldest son just got a bonus at work and took us all to Ristaurante Tosca.
Hard to stay on a food plan at a place like that managed not be too bad.  I ordered a leek and artichoke soup that had to be made with pure cream and had little raviolis in it.  Took three sips and gave the rest to my son.  Entree was sea bass sauted with spinach and pine nuts in a butter lemon sauce.  Lots of protein at least.  Couldn't resist taking a couple of bites of dessert ... we ordered three dessert for 6 people... had two bites of choc/cherry cake and a bite of hibiscus ice cream.  Very interesting.  Will need to go some extra on the treadmill today!!
AM:  protein coffee
B:  cottage cheese with fruit
L:  leftover sea bass and spinach
S: protein shake
D:  ??
S:  I've become addicted to bite size creme brulee flavored rice cakes - 8 for 90 calories!
No tax office tonight.  I get to go home and try to recover from daylight savings time.  Was NOT ready to get up when the alarm went off this morning!  :)
Surgery 4/15/09 - 294 lb.
At goal   2/15/10 - 160 lb.
Currently:  ... and for the rest of my life:  Figuring out maintenance.
on 3/15/10 12:12 am - Richmond, VA
Topic: RE: Monday back on track check in
Good morning beautiful!  Glad you got some good walks in and got things done this weekend.  Sorry you have woke up late.  Just blame it on the time!  Weekend was great for us.  Picked up my friends son (8 weeks old) on Friday afternoon for the whole weekend then finished getting packed for the beach.  Got a call from my cousin and ended up picking up my 16 month ols neice for the weekend, too.  So we all went to the beach along with my guy and his two sons...had a fantastic time!  Hotel was ocean front, rooms were great, indoor pool was fantastic, the weather held off for us so we walked a lot (even walked to dinner and shopping Saturday night) and we were able to take the kiddos into the sand and down to the water, too.  All the babies behaved exceptionally well and we had a relaxing time.  Came home late yesterday afternoon and faced some bad weatheron the way home.  Saw lots of accidents and had to drive really slow but thankfully we made it safely.  On the books for today is unpacking, laundry, grocery shopping and house cleaning...nothing fantastic or special but it all needs doing!  Oh, and a trip to Ben Franklin for school project supplies, too. 

am-cuppas, protein and vits in
s-protein drink
l-tuna fish sandwich
s-protein drink
d-not sure...we'll see what looks good at the store

Have a wonderful Monday!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Ms Court
on 3/14/10 10:09 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: Monday back on track check in
Good Morning!  How was your weekend? Pretty good here.  Got in a walk each day, spent some time with hubby, had fun with the girlies, picked up our hot tub, lots of great things.  Of course typical Monday today, I didn't hear my alarm and overslept so it was a crazy morning.  Made it to work a bit late but I am here.  No plans for today or tonight.  Will just be work and home for dinner & such.  Hope you all have a great one!

a.m. cuppas in, still no protein
B - yogurt & crackers
S - banana
L - left overs
S - ?
D - ?

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



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