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on 3/25/10 12:26 pm - Scottsville, VA
Topic: Dr Elariny and DS revision
Any info on Dr E and cost for the revision from RNY to DS
Cindy S.
on 3/25/10 11:54 am - Charlottesville, VA
Topic: RE: FPP Meet & Greet This SAT @ UVA

Thank you for the reminder about the meeting. Unfortunately i will have tto miss this one as I just had knee surgery and can't get around well enough. Hope that the meeting is a success. If all goes well, I hope to be at April's meeting.

Cindy S.
on 3/25/10 11:46 am - Charlottesville, VA
Topic: RE: Thursday back on track check in
Happy Thursday evening to all of you.
 Today began with a physical therapy session. Yesterday I made the transition from walking with a walker to using a cane. The cane is a bit more challenging, but am coming along with it. I also switch pain meds..from Percocet to Vicodyn(sp?). Now my head won't feel like it is in a fog all of the time. My nest PT session isn't until Tuesday, so between now and then I need to walk alot and work on some exercises.  The rest of the day included lots of rest, walking in the neighborhood and hoeing my garden. Now i need to start some seeds in pots before planting them in the garden.

Breakfast-oatmeal and hot tea
lunch- B-bque chicken wings and orange
Dinner- yogurt/triscuits and vitamin water
on 3/25/10 8:34 am
RNY on 09/19/07 with
Topic: RE: 2 year surgerversary today!
It was so good seeing you on Saturday -- you look FANTASTIC!!!  Congratulations on the surgiversary -- it is hard to believe it has already been 2 years!  How time flies when you are having fun, huh?  lol  All the best!  :)
Cindy   Beach    

5'9"   347/200/186/180

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

....Helen Keller

Heide A.
on 3/25/10 6:36 am - Chantilly, VA
RNY on 02/24/09 with
Topic: RE: 2 year surgerversary today!
Congrats on 2 roc****ep up the good work.
364      330      197   175

on 3/25/10 6:36 am - Alexandria, VA
happy surverversary to you. i'm not hear as much as i should be! keep up the good work
on 3/25/10 6:31 am - Alexandria, VA
Topic: 2 year surgerversary today!
2 years out today!  what a miracle this surgery is, i'm so thankful i had it.  A big thanks to everyone on this board and in my life for their love and support!  I'm still not a goal, but TONS healthier! lol  lys


on 3/25/10 3:04 am - Richmond, VA
Topic: RE: Thursday back on track check in
Good afternoon!  I had a pretty stressful day yesterday but today is much better, thankfully!  I am in full swing for getting things together for Claire's party on Saturday.  I can't believe she'll be one tomorrow!  Today is party stuff, laundry, cleaning and helping my sister move.  Lots of exercise that way.  Daddy is sore but feeling much better today.  Neither of us slept last super tired!  Hoping for a walk later this PM before the rain comes in.

am-cuppas, protein and vits in
b-yogurt and banana
s-protein drink
l-fresh fruit bowl
s-protein drink
d-baked tilapia and baked potato, steamed squash

Hope you have a great day and the stress starts to get better for you!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

on 3/25/10 1:25 am
Topic: RE: Thursday back on track check in
Good Morning,
I haventt checked in for sometime now and decided I need to get back into the swing of it. Ive been doing wonderful. Almost at goal for the doctor and only 15 pounds from my personal goal!!! Yay!!

B-protein shake
L-half a turkey sandwich toasted
S-not sure
D-homemade beef stew

As you can see, I just wanted hungry at all this morning..
Later today, walking both dogs and getting some more unpacking done.. We just moved ..

5'0" ~~ HW 233/SW 226.4/CW 141.4/GW 125 ish

on 3/25/10 1:20 am
RNY on 09/19/07 with
Topic: RE: Thursday back on track check in
Good morning, Courtney!

The weather has been so nice....a bike ride sounds wonderful.  Just's only going to get better so there are sure to be many bike rides in your future!  :) 

Just got back from working my husband has always told me, the hardest part is putting on your shoes...I really didn't feel it, but after I was done I was so glad I made myself go!


B:  Protein bar
L:  Soup and salad
S:  Protein shake
D:  Greek yogurt w/Go Lean and fresh fruit
S:  Protein pudding

I am really pushing water -- for some reason I am retaining a lot of fluid, and drinking my decaf tea isn't I am hoping clear water will make a difference.

Have a wonderful day!  :)
Cindy   Beach    

5'9"   347/200/186/180

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

....Helen Keller

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