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on 3/31/10 9:51 pm - Barboursville, VA
Topic: Save the date FFP Annual Picnic
 Summer is on the way and we have scheduled a date for our upcoming Picnic which will be  August 14th, we had a wondewrful time last year and would like to see a bigger turn out this year, stay tunned for the location:  We also will be doing a yard sale to, so any donations you wanna donate email me and we will gladly make arrangments to gather them up for for our later events.   Anyone wanting to come join for that  we are thinking sometime in May this to will be announced. Im awaiting word from Dr. Victoria Vastine Plastic Surgeon from Charlottesville who will also be coming to one of our Sat. meets to speak answer questions and show slides we are shooting for June on this just waiting for her to get back to me on her schedule, we meet every 4th Sat @ UVA Dining conference room #1 for those of you interested. We have a great room and lots of privacey for those who were concerned about speaking in a public place. We also would like to schedule a event  to Kings Dominion, The water park, Busch Gardens one of those but would like to get group rates so if your interested lets get  a sign up sheet and  get together this summer and have fun. The FFP's are  all over and  this is the year to get  together.
And just a little update on me for those interested after my last  appointmnt Im down to 188 pounds after weighing in @ 410 pounds on my surgey date in 2005 so
NEVER give up  guys the tools still works...... Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and a safe weekend.....
 VAFFPsLogo.jpg FFP's picture by in2lights
OH Support Group Leader - [email protected]
Believing in yourself makes it so much easier in supporting those who need your friendship, love, and support,so Believe in yourself First.
Charlottesville, Virginia VA FFP's Meet's every 4th Sat.

on 3/31/10 3:00 pm
Topic: VA Premier

Hello everyone!! I am a new member to this forum. I am trying to get as much information as I can to decide, if I should get surgery. My question is has anyone went through VA Premier (medicaid) health insurance for surgery. And if so could they tell me the process they went through. And did they cover any type of plastic surgery afterwards?  Thank You

on 3/31/10 1:24 pm, edited 3/31/10 10:06 pm - Stafford, VA
RNY on 02/16/05 with
Topic: Day 3 Back On Track..
hi all,

just wanted to stop in with an update, thanks to those *****plied!

today was day 3 of back on track for me.  i have been keeping up with the back to the basics rules with getting my protein in and drinking my water, taking vitamins and the sticking to the 30 minute rule.  wow!! i feel wonderful!  

i have slacked off for far too long and it finally caught up to me.  i WILL NOT continue to sabotage my successful wls of 5 years!

Here are my results so far:

Monday:    200.5#
Tuesday:  199.5#
Wednes:  197.5#
Thurs    :  196.3#

i have been taking in about 90 ounces of water each day.  i have managed to drink a protein shake every morning and continue choosing protein-rich  foods throughout the day.  i have a hard time getting more than one shake in per day due to my hectic work schedule.  i plan on getting some ready to drink shakes for those days that its harder to stop and prepare one.

i have been taking my vitamins every day again.  God knows i do not want to get in the situation i was in a year ago when my iron levels were so low that i had to receive bi-wkly infusions.

i always appreciate everyones support and understanding when i come here and wanted to thank you all!  i will keep you updated!



on 3/31/10 8:05 am - Woodbridge , VA
VSG on 09/30/08 with
Topic: RE: protein
BETH !   No failure here ... We all have our struggles.   Dr Halmi has an on staff Nutrionist now.  

Hope you will stick with us and help each with our struggles and successes to keeping the weight off

Thank you for sharing
               lost 140 lbs     

             Extended TT 12/072009     Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Krieger                     
on 3/31/10 5:27 am - somewhere, VA
Topic: RE: 10 days, 22 pounds
I'm so happy for you.  I was researching information about my own gastro fistula and came upon your notes.  I was orignally 267 pouds, got down to 143.  my originial surgery was in 2004 and I'd maintained 150 during that time.  Lately I've been gaining weight quickly and didn't feel full anymore.  I am up to 175.  Had my egd done last week and he said I have a fistula big enough to almost put two fingers in.  Result of the celebrex I was taking I'm sure.  I kept telling my doctor I shouldn't be taking it.  Anyway, I have surgical appt with him tomorrow to determine course.  He doesn't believe a full revision will be necessary because he doesn't see where any intestines have damage.  I also have a lower hernia, but he said he can't do both at the same time and the fistula is more important.  The hernia causes me much more pain. lol  Now that I've got all this out, did you have to start from ground zero?  How long were you off work?  Anyway, I hope you have continued success.
on 3/31/10 5:19 am - Brandenburg, KY
Topic: RE: protein
Hi Beth, just wanted to say hello, and to tell you to stop beating yourself up.  You have gotten back on track and that is what counts.  You will make it this time. 
beth sharp
on 3/31/10 12:01 am
Topic: RE: protein
i feel better already.. just spoke to the office.. they are sending me my form to go get my blood work done before my monday appt with the Nut...   : )    then while im there ill decide if i want to make a appt to see the doctor..

beth sharp
on 3/30/10 11:26 pm
Topic: RE: protein
thank you...   for the last few weeks ive been getting vitamins down... 2 multi... 1    1000g b-12   pill form..   2 calcium... i just need to figure out when and what kind.. i need to get myself on a routine schedule and live by it... i am so angry with myself for letting all of this go... i could be so much smaller...     theres alot i need to do...  1.  slow down when i eat... im probably consuming to much before my pouch says  ouch....    ive done alot better at not grazing anymore.. im on this wagon and will not get off this time... im kicking myself in the butt now..   so im going to go buy new protein drinks and  use them as my 2 snacks...     ive been on this notion that i need to stay under 1200 calories so ive been counting like crazy.. and i just felt a 120 calorie protein drink would make me go over..      i started working out big time.. and now im starting to go to the gym twice a day.. first thing in the morning at 5 when the family is sleeping then at 4 when kids get home from school...

 i will be honest here... i know ive failed at this.. i know what i should of been always doing but slacked off.. im the worst patient.. and if i feel fine i didnt think i needed the protein and vitamins anymore.. but i do... today.... my sister in law is having the lap band put in at noon.. and its a slap in the face.. or a wake up call.. that i had gastric bypass 4 years ago and ive been steady 190 to 195 for the last 2 years.. ive never reached my goal weight.. and its time i do...    i love my sister in law.. but i cant have her see me in august and shes lost a ton of weight in 5 months and im still where ive been...   i had the surgery.. i will use my tool...

and i love this web site..  and everyone on it... thank you.. so today im Calling dr halmis office for a check up.. blood work and to talk about protein and vitamins...

on 3/30/10 11:25 pm - Richmond, VA
Topic: RE: Wednesday back on track check in
Good morning beautiful!  I have been up and going this AM for hours already and have accomplished a lot.  I have laundry going, dinner marinating and am cleaning the house like mad and getting things ready to pack for my trip.  I have my massage appointment this afternoon and Claire has her Romp and Roll class tonight.  I also have some business matters to attend to and we will go on a family walk later tonight since the weather is looking up!  I am trying to clean out my fridge of all the things that will spoil.  It has been so long since I have been somewhere for longer than a couple of days!  We are really excited about this one.

am cuppas, protein and vits in
b-yogurt and banana
s-protein drink
l-pb and j sandwich
s-protein drink
d-marinated steak on the grill, baked potato and corn on the cob with sf banana pudding for dessert 

Have a great day!  We'll be grilling and eating on the deck!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Ms Court
on 3/30/10 11:02 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: Wednesday back on track check in
Morning!  How are you today?  I am good.  Had a pretty quiet night although the dog was very restless and a pain in the butt.  He was so ready for his walk and we braved teh wind and gave it to him.  Definitely on for tonight also since it is supposed to be sooo nice.  Nothing planned for tonight at this point, I may try to get in a walk & a bike ride.  Since the next few days are supposed to be so nice I might just have to have a mental health day on Friday, we shall see.

a.m. cuppas & protein in
B - oatmeal & mini bagel
S - ?
L - Chipotle or subway
S - ?
D - probably fish

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



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