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beth sharp
on 4/5/10 9:26 am
Topic: RE: Monday back on track check in

hello ladies.

     Monday back on track
mondays a fresh week.. and a new day... i hope everyone had a good easter..   we took the kids to kings dominion for easter    so.. i didnt go to the gym but i walked all day so thats my excerise..  i give myself one day a week that i can have something i normally dont eat the other 6 days a week... so at kings dominion hubby and i shared a salad.. and i had a bite of my kids cheese pizza.... yummmmm  then we went out to outback.. and i had a small peice of the bread..  and 2 tiny bites of steak and a potato...  i came home  relaxed on the lazyboy  and took 5... count them 5 jelly beans from the kids basket.. and i thought i was going to die....  the sugar.. my kids said.. mommy whats wrong.. my hubby replies... she shot herself in the foot....  but i didnt think 5 would hurt me.. but it did.. lol    

this morning i got up at 5am.. and went to the gym. i was looking forward to seeing the nut., at dr halmis office today.. but no one told me over the phone the appt. with her was going to be 180.00 today.. i wasnt prepared.. my hubby got up early  to go with me.. and we drove almost a hour... and when we got the news turned around.. i was frustrated.. i know what she was going to tell me.. i just think i wanted someone else to light a fire under my butt... a good kick in the right direction..   so... i came home had lunch then went back to the gym for another 40 minutes of cardio...

  down to 194...    getting my water in..

vitamins in
B  banana
s  protein shake
L salad with chicken
s protein shake
D Salad and salmon and some orange slices



on 4/4/10 11:13 pm - Stafford, VA
RNY on 02/16/05 with
Topic: RE: Monday back on track check in
Good Morning and Happy Belated Easter!!

I did work this weekend and had kennel duty all weekend, but Easter day was beautiful!! We went to Front Royal for the day, my AuntMom always has dinner, visited with family, we hadnt seen anyone since Christmas, so it was very nice!  I pretty much stayed true to my habits as I had been doing all week, but as we all know, I had to taste a few of the comfort foods of home.  I did rather well considering! 

So, its my Hubby's bday today!  The big 4-0!!  hehe ..We are just spending time together this morning, then I have to work this afternoon, so just checking in!!

As you all know, Ive been "back on track".  Today is exactly a week!  I lost a total of 6.5#!!  Woo Hoo!

Monday last week 200.5#-------Today  194#!! 

So far, ive only had my coffee..working on water now~~  have a great day!!!



Ms Court
on 4/4/10 10:37 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: Monday back on track check in
Morning!  So how was your weekend & Easter?  Mine was pretty great.  Friday night was pretty low key at home.  After getting off work early I hit TJ Maxx for some gifts I needed to buy, came home and headed to Lowes with the hubby then layed down for a nap.  Saturday I got up did a few loads of laundry then headed to my dad's for the day.  Had a great time there.  Easter we got up, mowed the lawn, went to my sister in laws for dinner, then came home and did some stuff around the house.  I am home today so will be doing a little bit ot teleworking and lots of chores around the house.  Guess I better get my butt moving.  Have a great one!

a.m. cuppas & protien - working on it
B - not sure
S - banana
L - egg salad sandwich
S - not sure
D - chicken something

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 4/3/10 3:34 am
Topic: RE: VA Premier
Thank You I hope to be here fo many years.
on 4/1/10 11:44 pm - Richmond, VA
Topic: RE: Friday back on track check in
Good morning beautiful!  Sorry I missed yesterday,...was overly jam packed and had no time for the computer!  The day started as usual but then I got a burst of energy so I cut my grass, then my sisters grass, then my other sisters grass then my elderly neighbors grass, too!  Yep...four yards in one day...actually in just a few hours!  I felt so good afterwards!  Then I took my daddy to his appointment for his follow up after surgery...all looks great!  After that daddy and I went to visit my mom's grave then picked up Kara from school.  Came home, did some laundry and cleaning then off to dinner with daddy and some friends.  Kara stayed home and went to the store with my sister.  After that I had a lil fun...ok a whole lotta fun!...and found some muscles I had forgotten I had!  WOW!  I wish I could do that a lot more often!  Claire and I did not sleep well at all.  She is cutting another tooth so she was up about every hour.  I am super tired today but will be pushing thru anyway.  Had my cuppas on the deck with my sister this morning...very peaceful and a great change of pace!  I have much to do and lots of packing, too.  We leave late tonight for Texas for a week.  Finishing the laundry now, packing, taking Kara and I to the dentist and making time to take the doggies for a walk are tops on the list!  Enjoy your time off...a couple of extra hours are always a blessing!  Have a safe and happy weekend...sounds like you have lots of family time planned!

am-cuppas, vits and protein in
s-protein drink
l-cheese slices and strawberry/blueberry smoothie
s-protein drink
d-not sure...going out somewhere

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

on 4/1/10 11:33 pm - Richmond, VA
Topic: RE: Shape-Ups
I have the shape ups (both in black and white) and the tone upsw, too.  They are awesome and I wear them a lot.  Had to get the tone ups because I don't wear tennis shoes very much in the summer.  I do wear them on the treadmill....great results here, too!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

on 4/1/10 11:29 pm - Richmond, VA
Topic: RE: VA Premier
Welcome!  I did not go thry Medicaid but I do know a few people on here have,  Also, plastics are usually not covered unless medically necessary.  And then it is usually only for a tummy tuck.  Good luck and keep us posted on your journey!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Ms Court
on 4/1/10 10:34 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: Friday back on track check in
Good Morning all!  How are you today?  I am so so.  did sleep pretty ell last night but I have a bit of personal stress going on and I really need to sit and figure out how to let go of some of it.  A bit easier said than done I think.  Perhaps some time out in the beautiful weather this weekend will help.  Did get some good news yesterday, the govenor decided to give us a couple hours of appreciation leave so I get off at 3 today and get to start my weekend early!  Woohoo.  Have some stuff planned this weekend but nothing major.  Will be spending tomorrow at my dad's for Easter, have to bake a pie, hubby and I plan to hit a sunrise service on Sunday and will go to his sisters in the afternoon for dinner, will be brining potato salad.  Seems like we will have beautiful weather and some great family time.

a.m. cuppas & protein in
B - oatmeal & mini bagel
S - strawberries
L - leftovers
S - banana
D - something on the grill I am sure

Have a great weekend, Happy Easter/Passover to all.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



Ms Court
on 4/1/10 10:25 pm - Remington, VA
Topic: RE: Shape-Ups
I don't have any but I do want them.  Asked the lady in my eye dr. how she liked hers, she said she loved wearing them to work but didn't think she could handle it for a trip to the mall or such.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 4/1/10 10:46 am - Stafford, VA
RNY on 02/16/05 with
Topic: Shape-Ups
hey all...i purchased and have been wearing the Sketcher's Shape-Ups for 2  1/2 weeks now, man, ive seen a difference in how my joints feel and my heel pain (plantar fasciitis) no longer bothers me ...they have done wonders for my posture and my calves are shaping up nicely 

just wondering if anyone else has them and how you think they are



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