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on 4/13/10 4:00 am - Stafford, VA
RNY on 02/16/05 with
Topic: RE: Always Tired
Have you had your thyroid checked?  And have you been taking your vitamins? ..i went into Dr Halmi last year around this time, thinking i was about to die, so exhausted, out of breath, white as a ghost and freezing all the time...i had iron-deficiency anemia ..i had to undergo bi-weekly iron infusions for months and was on the verge of a blood transfusion.  So, please take care of yourself, i would not want to see you go through what i did.

Take care of you.



beth sharp
on 4/13/10 3:57 am
Topic: RE: Tuesday - On Track Check in
hi court...

yes i too did the yard work today... at the very end of pushing my mower uphill.. i saw this button on the handle and i pushed it and wow my mower took off on its own.. so i did the whole yard  not knowing i could of let the mower do it..  lol      i then washed the car took clothes to the cleaners did laundry went grocery shopping.. then hit the gym ... now im home had lunch and put the baby down to relax on get online...     

ya i love the crystal light.. i found this new tea.. its in a gallon jug.. sugar free decaf tea.. omg its so good...    

ive been working my tushy off at the gym and i stepped on the scale today... 190.5    i almost fell 3 weeks i lost 17 pounds...    

well my plan for today is and was...

b... special k cereal.. serving size... 160 calories..   ( i measured before i put it in the bowl)
S protein drink  130 calories... 26 grams of protein
L  smart ones pizzza    20 grams of protein 390 calories
S  will be my protein drink   130 calories  26 grams of protein
D will be... chicken  soft tacos on wheat tortillas      

i burned 500 calories today and will go back to the gym for another 30 minutes of weight lifting when i take the kiddies to martial arts..

hope all is having a great day....   and thank you all for being here... i decided something being that ive never hit my 100 pound mark.. becuz i got lazy within 8 months of my surgery then got pregnant and now starting over...  my goal now is to hit 154.... i want to know what it feels like to hit my 100 pound marker...     ill get there soon... this summer.

have a good day all... and thanks for the support 

on 4/13/10 3:56 am - Stafford, VA
RNY on 02/16/05 with
Topic: RE: Tuesday - On Track Check in
Good Morning...well, Afternoon now Court!

i worked today from 7:30am-12pm..sounds like an easy day, huh?? lol ...well, that was the longggggest 4.5 hours in history i think! hehe

woke up bright and early again only to hit the snooze button ..TWICE!  finally dragged my butt out of bed, took a shower and got ready for work.  i, of course, first thing, stopped at Wawa for my morning to work and started in on drinking my water.  i got two bottles in and my tummy told me that that wasnt going to suffice lol

24oz Coffee made w/Splenda (4 pks), small amount of Half&Half  (mind you, i USE to use 7 packets in my coffee..good Lord!) 
33.8oz Water
B- 1 Fiber One Bar w/ medium Banana
S- 2oz Beef Jerky, 1/2 cup canteloupe and 10 Whole Grain Crackers
L- Protein Shake

i stopped at the grocery store on my way home from work.  i am going to try making Chicken Parmasan with Angel Hair Pasta tonight and a big ole salad   mmmm  :)

Keep up the good work, Smile and Drink Drink Drink!



beth sharp
on 4/13/10 3:46 am
Topic: RE: 1st post since surgery - having a tough time
hi stacy

no i didnt have the bleeding issue you did but i had a breathing issue... i to was in the hospital for 4 days.. i completely understand what you mean when you say.. your tired and grouchy and scared to eat.. and thinking why did you do this..     i was very tired because i wasnt eating the foods to give me engery and scared to swallow anything...  i also said the same thing when i saw acouple spoon foods on my plate  i wondered why i did this to myself...    trust us..... it gets better...  4 yrs out i still cant eat pasta or rice  but i still take bites of it.. but i remember having to throw it up becuase it hurt so much when i ate it... so you may have some foods that will affect you.. or maybe not...    with the puree foods.. i did yogarts or mashed potatos or oatmeal applce sauce... things of that nature.. i couldnt put my dinner in the blender... just didnt go down right with me...

just keep coming back here for advice on foods and many will help you out in that department..    but soon.. you will begin to feel better and step on the scale and see the pounds just melting off... and then you will know why you did this...

smile  and your on your way to a new you..

Jennifer G.
on 4/13/10 3:18 am - Norfolk, VA
Topic: RE: New to Forum and Site
Thank you so much! I will definetly keep yall updated :)

on 4/13/10 3:17 am
Topic: 1st post since surgery - having a tough time
Well I had my RNY on the 23rd of March.  The operation went well but for some unexplained reason I had a bleeding issue.  The night of surgery I went to the bathroom and had blood pouring out of my rectum.  That lasted about 24 hours.  I was too weak from blood loss to get up and walk around so I had horrible gas pains.  I thought I was having a heart attack.  I had to get a blood transfusion and received 3 pints of blood.  I ended up in the hospital for four days.  By the time I left my blood count was up but not back to normal.  My surgeon said this happens to about 1 in 300 patients.  So of course I was "why me".  My surgeon said it could take between 1 and 2 months for my blood levels to return to normal and until then I will be tired.  I am 3 weeks post op today and am still very tired.  I was moved to pureed food last week but I don't really like it.  Tastes too pasty for me.  I'm so scared of eating the wrong thing or throwing up that I just drink my water and protein shakes.  I'm definitely in the "why did I do this stage?".  I thought if I could have felt this before surgery then I could have put my mind to dieting and exercising and lost the weight.  It's been really tough.  My husband and three kids want to know when I will feel better and I don't know.  I'm also really grouchy/crabby and not fun to be around.  Has anyone else felt this way??  Anyone else had a bleeding problem?  If so, how long did it take to feel better?  Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
P. Poster
on 4/13/10 2:15 am
Topic: Dr Elariny patients
 Would anyone mind chatting with me about his financial/insurance practices?  I am a current patient, and just have some questions about the realistic expectations I should have about the costs involved.  Please send me a message to my box.

Thank you in advance!  
on 4/12/10 11:22 pm
RNY on 03/17/09 with
Topic: Always Tired
This is so crazy since my surgery, I have been so tired no matter what or how often I eat drink etc... so back to the doctor office for monthly visit to keep track on my blood count etc... he want to see me every month, now mind you Im 1yr post opp. I developed very low blood sugar the day after my surgery, had to stay in hospital for over month due to leak. I love my surgery would do it again but we have to figure out why Im so tired.
on 4/12/10 10:50 pm - Woodbridge , VA
VSG on 09/30/08 with
Topic: RE: ON TRACK ..9.5# loss in 2 wks
Good work Dawn!   Thanks for inspiring us all to keep on keeping on.
               lost 140 lbs     

             Extended TT 12/072009     Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Krieger                     
on 4/12/10 10:48 pm - Woodbridge , VA
VSG on 09/30/08 with
Topic: RE: New to Forum and Site
Welcome to the Virginia forum.    You can do this.   Practice not drinking during meals.  I know that was the hardest to do.   Take 20 minutes between eating and drinking.   

Suggest backing away from sugars too.   Equal or some of the others are good.  

Starting now makes withdrawals easier after surgery.  

Good luck and keep us updated on your status.
               lost 140 lbs     

             Extended TT 12/072009     Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Krieger                     
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