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melanie M.
on 4/14/10 9:40 am - Hopewell, VA
Topic: Peeka-Boo
Hey everyone Im still around! I havent been on in awhile and sorry bout that but as they say "Life happens"     Im doing ok.. Having issues with eating(what else is new). A year ago I was crying I could eat too much now Im crying I cant eat.. I eat 2 bites of food and feel sick. My labs all look good so thats a plus! I am below my goal and so ready to quit losing weight but they say I will probably be about 120lbs when I do quit due to them making my stomach only 2ozs this time..;OH WELL!!

Just wanted to check in and hope everyone is doing well!!
Love yall!!

on 4/14/10 7:46 am - Stafford, VA
RNY on 02/16/05 with
Topic: RE: Wednesday On Track Check In
hi all!  well, to tell you the stuck!! i knew it was going to happen, but was hoping i would go a month before it did.  i had an emotional binge last night...i did make the chicken parmesan as planned and it was DELICIOUS but i couldnt stop eating, everything i saw went in my mouth..and needless to say, i felt like crap.  but im fessing up and moving on.  i AM on track with everything today...ive had over 120 ounces of water today, i got my protein by food in and a huge salad with grilled chicken for lunch.  i am very gassy today lol ..hopefully everything i ate will move on through and i'll see a loss.  i am still at 191# 

here is my thoughts on the emotional eating:  i have a daughter turning 19 tomorrow, i have a 17 year old daughter who was just diagnosed with Hypothyroid yesterday and i am stressing over my hubby leaving for the middle east excuses but thats my thoughts on that.

hope all is doing well, keep up the great work, take care and drink drink drink!



beth sharp
on 4/14/10 4:32 am
Topic: RE: Wednesday On Track Check In
Congradulations on your decision to have the surgery.. most of us probably went through.. why did i do this to myself... i know i did.. but as you said things are looking up and they will only get better..  it was tough for me to get the protein down too... because it seemed like so much liquid at one time and it didnt taste good.. but it gets easier..    keep coming back here for help or ideas on food... there are many ideas of foods you can eat during your pureed stage... and again congradulations...

on 4/14/10 3:25 am
Topic: RE: Wednesday On Track Check In
Let me see if I can keep up with this daily. Had my surgery last week on Tuesday. Thought I had made a horrible mistake for 4 days then suddenly things began to look up. I can honestly say nothing has ever felt better than the shower hubby helped me take last Saturday. Now one week out I am allowed to have mushies which I see as a challenge to see how much flavor I can pack into the 2 ounces of food I can eat at a time. I have discovered that I can not stomach protein shakes at all right now so am trying to get as much natural protein in as possible. I feel great and went off of all pain meds last Saturday. We had to spend a week in MD because the surgeon wanted us close until I had the jp drain removed and recovering in a hotel had it's good and bad sides. We had a suite so we had plenty of room but it is always hard to be sick away from home. The good was that all hubby and I had to concentrate on was taking care of me. I was so happy to get home and sleep in my bed since I could not sleep laying down while I had the drain in. All is well and I am so happy that it is over and I am down 15 lbs.
HW-293                     SW-290                    
on 4/14/10 3:15 am, edited 4/14/10 3:15 am
Topic: RE: Wednesday On Track Check In
I�have read that protein is hard on the kidneys so the large volume of liquids helps flush the kidneys.� I�suppose helping to feel full works too.
HW-293                     SW-290                    
on 4/14/10 3:14 am
Topic: RE: 1st post since surgery - having a tough time

I truly appreciate all of your comments and feedback/suggestions.  Sometimes all it takes is for other people to confirm what you are feeling is normal and it will pass.  It makes all the difference in the world.  I know I can hang in there and it will get better.  Thanks again for the responses.

on 4/14/10 2:52 am, edited 4/14/10 2:54 am
Topic: RE: 1st post since surgery - having a tough time
I am sorry you have had so many complications.  I understand you are frustrated but hang in there.  I have started pureed foods and am having to be creative.  Last night I cooked hubby a nice rare steak. I cut 2 ounces off of it and tossed it in the magic bullet.  Once it was a nice paste I mixed in a little cumin, a small ammount of mild taco sauce, and a small ammoint of sour cream.  OMG it was so good compared to the liquids.  I also pureed 2 or 3 green beans and for every 3 bites of the beef I got a small taste of the green beans.  It gave me a sense of eating like a normal person.  My bites are using a baby spoon and then never more than the size of a lima bean.  I did not finish either item on my plate but I was very satisfied when I left the table and I got to sit and talk to hubby during dinner and not covet his plate.  Tonight I am making chicken tacos using chicken thighs and will do about the same thing.  This morning I made a few grits and pureed a couple of ounces of ham.  Mixed the two (I know grits are not for everyone)and it was yummy.  Plus the salt from the ham made me thirsty so I will be sure to drink more today.  At any sitting I am only eating 2-3 tablespoons of food but I am happy with that.  Everything I have been eating is on my doctor's eating plan and I am finding ways to make it tasty.  Use spices to keep it interesting.  I was told to avoid really spicy for a while.  Some other ideas I have for puree are to take some peaches I froze last summer and blend them to mix with cottage cheese.  Good luck I hope you are feeling better soon.
HW-293                     SW-290                    
beth sharp
on 4/14/10 1:32 am
Topic: RE: Wednesday On Track Check In
good morning Court

hello everyone.. today seems more relaxing then my busy day yesterday... biggest event for me today is going to the gym this morning when the baby wakes from his nap... then again when hubby gets home.. i have to wait till 4 pm to go back because thats when the daycare opens up again today at the gym...   then tonight im going to the fredericksburg meeting that jackie and sue put together.. im so looking forward to going back to those...  im proud of myself im actually sticking with this...  today i lost another half a pound..     i wowed myself today when i tried on some pants that were extremely to tight for me.... ive been wearing a size 13.. and normally i buy the stretchy pants.. lol  but this pair wasnt stretchy and i slid them right on... with no trouble... and i thought id try on my stretchy size 10 levi  pants... and they fit perfect.... : )))  so its working....

i may have a dumb question.. i understand when your dieting etc.. everyone says drink 8 glasses of water..  i guess to make you feel full... but is that the reason we should drink so much water? or is there another reason?    i have a jug that is 75 oz i fill it up in the morning and by dinner its finished.. so im getting my fluids i just wondered if theres another reason besides just making us feel full

todays food schedule

vitamins in  and a cup of mojo...

b  oatmeal.. 100 calories 4g of protein
s   protein drink   26g of protein.. 130 calories
L   left overs from dinner...    will  be a salad with chicken  green onions  ( i made chicken taco salad)   instead of dressing ill add alittle taco sauce
s   my daily protein drink  26g of protein  130 calories
d   chicken and vegis

have a wonderful day.. and anyone in stafford or fredericksburg i hope to see you at the meeting tonight...

(deactivated member)
on 4/13/10 11:58 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Topic: Support Group Meeting tonight! Be there or be square!

Jackie and Sue are pleased to announce that the Fredericksburg /Stafford Weight Loss Group Support Meeting will be held this Wednesday April 14th  (Wednesday, 04/14 2010) at  7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m at:


The Free Lance-Star Building,  607 William Street suite 100, Fredericksburg 22401 

This meeting is open to anyone who wants to know more about weight loss surgery or considering the surgery and want to talk to people who have had it, to people who are scheduled for gastric bypass surgery and to people who have had the surgery. If you had the surgery some time ago and want to get back on track with encouragement – then this meeting is for you!  No cost, no negativity – no weighing - only positive encouragement!  If you are considering plastic surgery – come and talk to people who have had it done!


Come join us Wednesday 14th  for our monthly support group meeting!!!.   We will be continuing the discussion on eating out, making good food choices, restaurants that are good places for us to eat at etc…… We have  free samples from a great local restaurant for us to try – so come a little hungry…. Also we have some nutrition bars for you to eat and give us your opinion on……


If you are struggling to get back to where you need to be – or if you want to help others – this is also the meeting for you!


Please feel free to bring up any topic of Weight Loss that is concerning you or that you are curious about. If we don’t know the answer we will get it for you!  We also have a selection of OH magazines free to members!


We hope to see you on Wednesday!!


Call Jackie on 540 548 8012  or Sue on 540 373 0809 if you have any queries.


Obesity Freedom
WLS Support Group Leaders

on 4/13/10 11:55 pm - Richmond, VA
Topic: RE: Always Tired
I think all of us go thru the exhausted/tired phase but mine wasn't at 1 year post op.  Kudos to you for staying on top of it.  As the others have saud...thyroid, vit d. b 12 and iron could be the cause or many other things.  Keep us posted!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

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