Stricture info and 2 month check up...

on 5/9/06 3:00 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Got it !! Have it all down for tomorrow. I a going to ask before hand because after concious sedation no telling what I will be talking about !!! Thank you, Lora !!! Your info has helped alot !!! Hugs, Dana
Marie K.
on 5/9/06 2:26 pm
Dana, I do agree with Tammy in regards to strictures being caused by scar tissue, that is what my surgeon said, but also said the antiacids help a great deal with the healing process, that is why most doctors give it to ya. The first time I was taken in, I had no choice but to stay in the hospital, I was told at first for only 23 hours, but because I was dehydrated & was not able to take any sort of vitamins for a while, the doctor decided to keep me in for a longer time. Even the vitamins I "thought" I was taking were sitting in my stomach for God only knows how long; when the GI doc showed us the picture, it was very clear what medicines they were because you could still read the words on the pills, my WLS surgeon joked at the fact at least he knew I was taking my meds.. Now I can eat anything, but the things I got sick with I want to stay far away from for the time being. The first time I had the proceedure done, my WLS surgeon suggested I do liquids for a day or so, but the second time around the GI doctor told me to eat whatever I wanted. -BUT- Always remember everyone is different, I can only share with you what I went through & what my doctor(s) did; yours may handle things differently.. I hope all goes well for you..Good Luck.. Lora
Sporty Jill
on 5/8/06 9:37 pm - Norfolk, VA
You poor thing. But, I am So glad that you called the doc to have it checked out. 52 pounds, huh? Where's the updated pics????? Jill 263/179/145
on 5/9/06 3:07 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Jill ... Thank you and yes it probably was me they were talking about at the office !!! I do need to post some new pics. The problem is, I have to have them taken first...LOL Good greif..your weight just keeps falling off of you !!! 179 now? GO JILL !!!!!! Dana
on 5/9/06 3:28 am - Richmond, VA
Dana, I have had two at 5 weeks and one at 5 months out. My understanding is that they are caused by scar tissue and there is nothing that you can do to prevent them. I am surprised that they have waited to have this fixed. I was taken in immediately both times. I believe there is a severe risk of dehydrating. I know you do not want to eat...believe me, I know...but if you do not at least have the protein shakes then you will lose muscle that can not be rebuilt, so be careful. We want you to be healthy! {{hugs}}. Tammy C
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