Always throwing up and wretching...

on 4/21/06 3:26 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Thank you Trish..... You are right. I just dread going back in. How is the baby doing? When is your due date? I have been thinking about you !! Dana
on 4/21/06 3:38 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Due date is June 15th soo i am 32 weeks along now and really feeling it. Weight on baby and i is perfect. I looked up the PKU info and will be talking to peds before they walk off anywhere with that baby . I have decided to make them wait one week before taking the PKU since the test results are needing milk or formula product to be accurate. I am breast feeding and the baby will not have real milk for like 4-6 days...and they are not going to be allowed to administer wonder so many babys have problems breastfeeding i wasnt even aware they were doing this to get the PKU really undermines the mom and baby breastfeeding thing.. I really hope your feeling better I know you looked fantastic at the last meet and greet I just want you to stay healthy and keep as much of your golden mane that you can..good luck please keep in touch... thanks again for PKU info
Marie K.
on 4/23/06 2:04 am
Dana, I am sorry I am late posting to this but I just got out of the hospital late last night and I am just now getting to my computer. In reading your post I just had to reply... I know everyone is different BUT, I had the EXACT same symptoms as you did; EXACT.. I had my surgery a week after you. It took me a long time to call my doctor due to the fact I was out of town in the boonies & almost 2 hours away from anything close to a hospital, so I decided to wait until I got home. I called my doctor on Wednesday & told him my symptoms & he instructed me to make no detours & go straight to the hospital. When I got there they took me straight up stairs to my room & hooked me up to an IV, what I was told that was going to be a 23 hour stay turned into a 3 and a half day stay. Anyway at the time they put in the IV, my doctor ordered labs, all my labs came back normal, nothing wrong. I was feeling a little bad because I was throwing up for over a week & I felt that my doctor may not believe me due to the normal lab results. Well early the next morning I had the GI thingy done, and guess what, it was a STRICTURE....... the funny thing was a few of my pills were still sitting in my pouch waiting to be digested, you could still see the words on the pills very clear & that was from a day So I know everyone is different, but if your doctor is telling you that you are to early out to have a stricture... I don't think so... I too could not keep anything down but liquids, towards the end I could not even take my vitamins. It started to get depressing, but I am so happy I made that call.. Sorry this is long but I just wanted to share with you what happened to me.. I really do hope you feel better.. Lora
Sporty Jill
on 4/20/06 9:48 pm - Norfolk, VA
Oh, Dana, sorry to hear that you feel like garbage. But, I have to agree with Leilani on this one. For me, I had (and still do on occasion) alot of times where I just didn't feel well. Like I was going to be sick (you know, alot of wretching and just feeling like I wished I'd be sick). But, I ended up with just a bad case of the foamies, burps, throat/stomach/intestine gurgles, and the sweats. It was usually caused by something I ate that my pouch just didn't like, or eating too fast (most often the cause). But, to puke, that didn't happen. I would think that actual puking wouldn't be good for you at this stage, because you are losing not only the vitamins and protein, but also hydration (ie: water). So, my question is (and not to be gross), are you actually puking, or are you just nauseas(sp) and praying that you'd puke? When you puke, is it like a spit-up or is it full force with everything in you? I would think that the wretching part would be normal as you are still trying to find foods you pouch likes, but the actual puking part I think is questionable. When eating, are you chewing really really well? Are you sticking to meats that are moist? Do you add alot of flavorings to it? I know, for me, at 6 weeks out, while I was introducing new goods, I stayed pretty much with a few things that I knew my pouch liked. I then gradually introduced new things. In fact, today, I am still introducing new things. In fact, I still have a hard time with heavy mexican flavorings and don't EVEN get me started on bread, crackers, pasta, pizza or anything bready like that. I treat my pouch like I did my babies. When it was time for them to go onto solid foods, i did it gradually to see if they developed allergies and to ensure that they did ok with them. I didn't open the food gates on the 1st day. Hope this helps...... Jill 263/182/145
(deactivated member)
on 4/20/06 10:01 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Dana, well I totally had this experience and until I wrote in my journal for my seven month anniversary did it dawn on me - hey, I'm not barfing anymore. For me it was several things, and it didn't happen after every eating experience. But for me I had a hard time distinguishing being full and I would eat what I called 'the barf bite' which was the bite I shouldn't have and that would result in my puking. Or -- and this is another thing I did, and still have to watch - I would eat too fast. Either of those two things would take me to the toilet bending over!! Like I said, I haven't done it now for awhile, so I think I've learned, albeit the hard way, but I've learned. Anyway, that's been my experience, but after saying all that, I will tell you that I talked to my doctor about it and he determined it was not serious - that is a stricture, or something like that. So you probably want to eliminate that thought. Good luck, and don't be discouraged, it does get better! donna
on 4/20/06 10:37 pm - Wirtz, VA
Dana, I'm with you on this one...I was doing great, no feeling yucky anything, then yesterday...WHAM! I can keep protein sups, vitamins, etc down with no problem, but when I try anything remotely solid... I would get this feeling like heartburn rolling upwards from my pouch to my mouth, then flooey out it comes, then I'm fine. I am pretty sure my problem was eating too fast (and that one bite too much) at lunch, and now that my tummy is all tender, it doesn't want anything solid. So, I am sticking to the sups and vitamins and water, and giving the pouch a day or two to recover from my own stupidity!!! I think I was trying to overdo it because I hadn't lost any weight in the past week and my surgeon told me to eat more (I simply am not hungry and have to remind myself to eat *argh*) Talk about your learning process! Elizabeth
Ms Court
on 4/20/06 10:56 pm - Remington, VA
Dana, sorry that you are feeling so bad. I can't really say if the constnat puking is normal or not but I do know that everyone experiences something different. So lots of people have mentioned the chewing & the eating to fast. My suggestion to test if this may be part of the problem is to go ahead and puree your meats or try softer foods (cottage cheese, tuna, egg salad, etc) and make sure to chew them well. That might help and it will become second nature to do that when you eat other things farther out. I do have problems when I eat to fast so I literally sit at every meal with my watch or a clock and time myself. If I don't take 25-30 minutes to eat then I feel bad. So anyway I hope you get something that helps you feel better. Courtney
on 4/21/06 6:48 am - LaPlata, MD
Dana, You know that the reason this is happening to you is because you had DR. C instead of my Dr. T. HA HA Just kidding. I like dr. C to. But I am glad to have dr. t. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble. I on the other hand do throw up sometimes but it comes and goes. I am still not able to eat alot of things. I do get ALL my protein in even if I throw up my lunch or dinner. I just drink a protein shake. I have almost gotten to the point that I would rather drink my shake instead of eating. Sometime it really hurts like last night. It all came up. So after I got it all out of my pouch I waited a little while and then drank my shake. I sure hope you feel better soon. When is your appointment in May? Mine is the 3rd at 2:30 I think. Hang in there. Hugs Ellie
on 4/21/06 10:30 am - CHESAPEAKE, VA
I dont know how I skipped over this post! Im so sorry you are feeling icky! I was just wondering why I haevnt heard from you. I hope you start feeling better. Try to keep your head up. I will pray for you! Miss you cheryl
on 4/21/06 10:50 pm - Richmond, VA
Dana, Sorry I am just posting today. I have been away for a couple of days and just saw your post. Yep...ditto to what Nat said. It happened to me and I too kept the trash bags with me! One thing to add that I found out about the hard way is that if you are a mom and had any morning sickness when you were pregnant then it could come back to haunt you now (as a post op). Something about the chemical inbalance I think but I really do not remember. My doc put me on Zofran and in really helped. The phenegran didn't touch it but the Zofran was a god send. I still use it occassionally now to help when I get those pukey feelings. Another thing that gets me now is that I have a horrible sinus drainage and it fills up my pouch really fast. As soon as I eat or drink ANYTHING it comes right back up and keeps coming back up for hours. I take 1/2 a benadryl several times a day to help with this and it usually works. Good luck sweetie and I hope this passes soon. {{hugs}} Tammy C
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