Am I Crazy?!

on 4/20/06 7:32 am - Manassas, VA
I'm just wondering if I'm crazy, or blind, or something like that. I know I posted on the 18th, because I received responses to my aol email account... but when I went to the OH sight my post appears to be missing. Or perhaps I am just missing something! Maybe I am going looney? Any ideas? --Jan
(deactivated member)
on 4/20/06 7:32 am - Remington, VA
Jan, I'm thinking you're sane!!! I can't find it either! We're you the one that posted and it wouldn't let us link to your profile because your name was in black? I remember it if so! Weird! I had a weird experience on here today too...When I tried viewing my account info it wouldn't show up past the "welcome" where it says welcome so and so....!!! It's working now. It's probably a lot to do with the new upgrades. Be sure and back your profile up! Kirsten
on 4/20/06 7:32 am - Manassas, VA
Hi Kirsten! Good, I'm glad that you remember! I was more afraid that I was going to post that message and then go back and *poof*, it would be back, but such is not the case! And, yes that was me... my profile had vanished also. I had to get help with that today. I was told that it was found and "re-linked" to my user name and all is well. I guess somewhere in all of that my original post vanished! Oh well, I was starting to wonder, if someone was trying to tell me something! (j/k) -- Jan
(deactivated member)
on 4/20/06 7:32 am - Remington, VA
LOL! You've now entered the Twilight Zone! I looked at your profile and it's gorgeous! I can't believe you have six kids. I used to always say I wanted six....and now I have just my two boys. Ahh well! They're plenty! You look great already, they must've (still are) been good to you! You''re gonna blow everyone away when the lbs start coming off! I live in Remington which is in southern Fauquier County.....every come down our way? My youngest and I were just up at Target the other day! Kirsten
on 4/20/06 9:32 pm - Manassas, VA
I can't believe I have six kids either!!! I think I forgot to update my profile about my grand baby too... I have two of them, as well! One is 16 months and the other is 4 months! I considered moving to Culpeper at one point, so I have been by Remmington, but never visited there. Maybe we can get together sometime! --Jan
(deactivated member)
on 4/20/06 11:26 pm - Remington, VA
Hey Jan! Congrats on those grandbabies! I would love to get together! Kirsten
(deactivated member)
on 4/20/06 7:32 am -'Beach, VA
. ...well, the lazy, havent had enough coffee" answer would be ... yes, yes, you ARE crazy! Tada, one post answered, 10 more to go! If I have to be serious? Well, Im not sure what would have happened to your post. OH is making a LOT of system upgrades over the next few months - starting THIS WEEK! If you have a profile in place - make sure you back it up every time you make changes and I don't mean to the OH SYSTEM (the option to click and have them send you the saved version) ...If their system times out while saving your profile to their mainframe - you only get what the system captured. NOT a good thing. Missing posts is just the beginning of what could happen with all the system BURPS that are bound to come. - Lei
on 4/20/06 7:59 pm - Manassas, VA
Hi Lei! Since I do have a profile... which I have never backed it up... thank you (and Kirsten) for the info I will do that ASAP ... wouldn't want to have to do my profile over again! Thanks for the advice!!! --Jan
Sporty Jill
on 4/20/06 7:32 am - Norfolk, VA're crazy! hahahaha With the upgrades going on, it probably was sent rolling into la-la land. Who knows............. Jill 263/183/145
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