Bowel Prep Questions (warning, while not graphic, can be considered gross)

~ Julie ~
on 4/16/06 8:59 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Okay so today is the big bowel prep day. First of all, I was instructed to get two 1.5 oz bottles of Fleet's Phosphosoda, and follow the enclosed directions. For starters, the "enclosed directions" say not to take more than one bottle at a time. But I was told to use two. Backstory: For the past 3 weeks, I have been eating one protein shake for breakfast, one for lunch, and a smallish protein dinner. Yesterday, I did this. My dinner was a fairly big salad (a pile of lettuce, a few tomatoes) with tuna and chicken. I didn't finish the whole thing. Today, I had a protein shake for breakfast, a few pieces of beef jerky, and a large sugarfree Starbucks frappuccino. Bearing that in mind, I got home just after two, and started the bowel prep a little later. My sister told me to mix the Fleet's stuff with diet ginger ale. Okay. What I did was mix 1 TBSP Fleet's with about 4-6 oz ginger ale. I drank it. Made another one, drank that 5-10 minutes later. I did this until both of the bottles were gone (6-7 times total). 30-45 minutes after that, it began doing its job. VERY WELL. I couldn't move for the first hour without having to go to the bathroom, though it was not painful, no cramps, didn't feel ill whatsoever. The second hour it slowed down some, and now, it's slowed down even more. I may need to go once to twice an hour. What I'm producing is see-through, but there is color to it, so I would not consider it clear. So I guess my question is -- did I do this right? Should I have only taken one bottle at a time, or did I do it right by taking it all at once (well over the course of about an hour)? Should I go get another one and repeat it, since I did them both together? Dianna described this process as "giving yourself the flu" but for me, it's more like peeing from the wrong orifice. (sorry!) The only thing that hurts is my butt from the wiping, and I got some generic Tucks pads for that, but wow, they hurt more than using nothing at all. Is there something else I can do about this? Also, how long should I expect this to last before things return to normal (or whatever normal is from here on)? As I sit here, I'm having a Propel water, should I be doing that? When should I try broth? Is that the same as water? I've also got sugarfree popsicles and some onion/chicken soups that come in a box (like you would make dip or hamburgers or something) that I'm planning to strain the onions/noodles out of. What else can I have that is considered "clear liquid"? Thanks for any help you can give me. I'm really concerned about screwing anything up. -Julie
on 4/16/06 10:19 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Julie... Everything is how it should be...You just need to clean your colon out for surgery. Many doctors are not even doing that now. They said clear liquids 24-48hrs before surgery and that in itself usually clears the intestine enough. You sound like you are ready to go !!! Good Luck. You are well on your way to a new life !!! I am very happy for you. Big Big Hugs for your special day tomorrow !! Dana
~ Julie ~
on 4/16/06 10:32 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Thanks, Dana. I appreciate it. I guess I just expected more than actually happened. To hear Dianna tell it, I expected to be laid up in bed most of the day. I feel fine!
on 4/16/06 7:31 pm - Northern, VA
Lucky Glad it went well for you, the kids want to come over tonight to see you, so be prepared
Kathy & Rich
on 4/16/06 7:23 pm - Fairfax, VA
You did just fine Julie. You weren't supposed to swallow both bottles of Phophosoda at the same time. There should have been instructions in the back of Dr. M's binder if I remember correctly but personally as long as it did it's job... nothing is messed up. Broth and things like that are considered clear liquids. Propel too. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. You are in excellent hands. Dr. M didn't do my WLS but is doing my husband and my after surgery care. He has operated on me twice... once for gallbladder and the other for a parathyroid/thyroid problem. He'll take great care of you. Best wishes, Kathy
~ Julie ~
on 4/16/06 10:54 pm - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Thanks, Kathy. The only page in the binder is the one that says go out and get the Fleet's, and follow the enclosed directions. It doesn't say if the directions are enclosed with the actual medicine(?) or if they're enclosed in the binder. I've gone over my binder, all I can find is the one page. Maybe I'm missing something? My mother says that since I haven't really been eating very much for a while that there just wasn't anything there to get rid of to begin with, so not to worry. You guys say not to worry. So no worries. I guess I was also partially afraid that the ginger ale had counteracted the Fleet's because don't you drink ginger ale for an upset stomach? Plus, I read somewhere that it's easier to do if it's chilled, so I had it in the refrigerator overnight beforehand. I thought maybe the cold might have made it less potent, too. Oh well, it's over now at any rate.
Kathy & Rich
on 4/16/06 11:26 pm - Fairfax, VA
Ginger ale is used often with the stuff so no that shouldn't have affected the potency at all. Your mom was right... eating less and such on your pre-op diet... there wouldn't have been as much to clean out as someone who hadn't been on the diet. All is well! Kathy
on 4/16/06 10:24 pm - Rockbridge Co., VA
Sounds great, as the others have said. Do be careful with the onion soup/dip. What I buy has minced/diced onions in it. You don't want those little pieces. Regular ole' broth or bouillion is fine though. My doctor didn't require the prep, but I did have to have it for my colonscopy last year. I asked the surgeon about the clear water return and I was told they don't do it like that anymore. "Some color" as you said, is fine. Good luck and Godspeed!, Lois
~ Julie ~
on 4/16/06 10:57 pm - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Oh that's too bad, we have plenty of regular bouillion here, but I didn't know if that was too salty or not. So I went out and got lots of canned broth. No big deal, I'll need it after I get home, too. Also, the strainer I have even strained out the little pieces of spices or whatever from the chicken soup/broth that I had last night, so no pieces for me. Thanks for the good wishes, Julie
on 4/17/06 9:17 am - Dumfries, VA
Pre op and post op I was on a clear liquids diet for a couple of weeks. Since I hated the taste of chicken and beef broths by themselves, what I did was take plain old Campbell's chicken noodle or rice, beef veg, or for a change of pace, some wonton soup from the local Chinese place, and just strain it. That got me through (along with the sugar free jello and popsicles!) Didn't try the buillion cubes or dehydrated soups due to some unfortunate incidents when I was in High School....besides, they are too high in sodium.
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