That's a darn good question! I know coffee to be a diueretic as well but I've never known whether it was the caffiene that did it or not!
HEY NAT! Got an answer for this local lady!??
I drink coffee every day (in the AM) and I drink water too... so I've heard from various different sources that it can be included in your H20 for the day... Ask your nutritionist... I'm sure others more knowledgeable then I will get back to you as well...
Planning to join us in June for the conference? Where's your posting pic? We want to KNOW ALL about you!
Well since I have my 4 week PO appointment tomorrow I will ask the NP this question! So when is the conference in June? I would be interested if it does not conflict with our vacation. No posting pic yet, too fat (hehe), actually I haven't looked for one. I avoided pics for a long time, will see if I can find one that is not to offensive.
As for all about me,,,,,,,,,,just a wife of 32 years, mother of 5 grown people, grandmother of 2 soon to be 4, and don't feel near old enough to have accomplished all this! And hopefully after the pounds melt away, I will feel younger yet! Have a great Easter weekend! Lorraine
Hello Lorraina -
The medical world will most likely lean towards ...if it's DECAF you CAN count it as water.
The problem with that type of thinking? We're so busy trying to "settle" for 64 oz, which is the normal "needed" allowance, that we don't force ourself to strive for MORE.
WATER is your friend right now - your bestest friend, along with vitamins and protein. Yes, I know, boring, but true.
The reason WATER is so much more then just a "health" issue right now is that it's the primary THRUST that flushes the fat cells from your body. My lil brain cell kept wrapping around that thought - so, typical OINKY that I am, I figured if 64 oz would flush out "X" amount of fat cells, then surely 100 oz would flush out "x" many MORE.
During my honeymoon phase (first 6 to 12 months) I erred on the side of extreme. If 1 protein shake woulda' done, I did 3, if 64 oz of water woulda worked, I did 100.
Granted I had a lotta weight to lose and Im not sure what your goals are? But at 230+ pounds that needed to COME OFF, I had to maximize or I woulda' never reached goal.
My advice, well... to myself actually. I don't count ANYTHING towards my water count if it's not pure H20, period. Not my protein shakes, not my coffee, not my crystal light..... and keep in mind, MOST medical jargo tells you that you CAN count some of the things I mentioned.
It worked well for me - and still, today, I don't count anything but pure H20 to my water intake, minimizing at 100 oz.
Good luck - Lei