I had my dreaded colonoscopy today. I did not feel a thing. I remember seeing some stuff on the screen. They did not find anything. I still have periodic pain in the lower left abdomen and bad spells w/ diarehhea. Dont know what my PCP will recommend next. The bowel prep was worse than before surgery. The stuff worked immediately and lasted forever. Think I have dehydrated my self. Trying to get my fluid level back up. Hope for some solution at regular dr tommorrow. I am tired of feeling bad. I did not lose 100 lbs to feel like crap. This is affecting my job and all of my life. THanks for the support.
Wow, Shannon, sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Glad your test is over. Hopefully your doctor will have answers. Big hug to you!
I'm waiting on the scheduling of a colonoscopy myself - wish the gastroenterologist's office would figure this out and get me hooked up and like you I'm not concerned about the test at all just not looking forward to the prep. I have pain but on the other side from you and my surgeon wants to check that before going back in with exploratory surgery. I thought I was done with surgery but it ain't so. My digestion is fine except for the carafate pills for an ulcer which seem to be causing problems if I take them first thing in the morning. Owie! Talk about a cleansing and an unintentional one to boot! Yuck!
I hope that we both get our body's issues figured out and fixed soon... very soon.
Best wishes, Kathy