1 Year TODAY/1 Year ago TODAY

Kitty Kat
on 4/11/06 12:20 am - Richmond, VA
Hey Beautiful! I know right? 1 year! WHEW! I sure will give her a kiss and a "happy birthday" from ya and hopefully it'll be in PERSON soon. I miss ya! Thank you SO much for your message. Awww thanks I needed to hear these things today. You are right. NEVER SAY NEVER! ya, Kat
(deactivated member)
on 4/11/06 1:27 am - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning Kat, and Happy happy Birthday to your lil one! It's going to be impossible for ME to top Kathie's advice to you, so ...um.... can I just cut and paste it here, and sign MY name to it? I absolutely LOVED her reply and the quote she attached. I read your response to her and saw that you ALSO found the power behind her words! Well, lemme just toss in another DITTO of my own, okay? It's TRUE woman, you ARE beautiful, if the rest of the world believes that, don't you think its about time your brain/eyes caught up with US? Losing another 20 or 30 pounds is not going to change or improve that, you is, what you is, beautiful! However, it will (most likely) make you FEEL better, if you FEEL better, then lots of positives come outta' that - including how you see yourself, physically. For me? I want to lose these 8 to 15 pounds (today it's 8, yesterday it was 12, the day before, 10, etc etc etc) ...but I want to lose them so I can "feel" better again. Just this small bounce back can leave clothes feeling snugger, the body feeling puffier, less energy, etc... Heck, I'll never be model thin, which is GREAT, I kinda like my "Marilyn Monroe" curves, and from the sounds of it, my hubby does too. However, I don't like that a simple increase of 10 lbs can leave me "feeling" so bloated, lethargic, lazy, unmotivated - etc. Soooooooooooooo - you, me, Sharon, Kathie and a gazillion others that have talked about it, need to focus on a PLAN. Whatever works for us as individuals, getting back to basics, dropping the excess and FINDING the bounce in our step again. We can do it, we're WORTH it. Nuff said. Hugs - Lei
Kitty Kat
on 4/11/06 2:41 am - Richmond, VA
Afternoon Lei, Thanks! She's snoozin' some Momma's on here a bit and waitin' on my egg for my salad which I'm throwing together this pm and it's gonna be YUMMY! Lil' detour to da kitchen. I put in 1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice of turkey lunch meat torn up, about 2 tbsp of shredded cheese, some bacon bits and ranch dressing over greens. That is my goal. To feel better and healthier. I have noticed I've been draggin' serious rear at times and I don't care what is said 20-30 lb CAN make such a difference than not having it on. I want to look at myself and be pleased with what I see and right now I'm not there. Yep, I'm there with you on the feeling bloated, lethargic, lazy unmotivated, etc. Yes, getting back to basics is what I'm trying. In a weird but blessing way I'm GLAD I had the Flu for nearly 3 weeks. Sad but true. Thanks for your kind words and kick in my bootie! Thanks for caring... Kat
on 4/11/06 6:45 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Yes Lei...You have a great figure. I understand if you wanna lose a couple more if yuza feeling bloated...but you have a nice hour glass shape....Don't be turning into Gumby on me !!!! Hugs, Dana
Pat F.
on 4/11/06 5:00 am - Richmond, VA
Girl wake up and look in the mirror and you will see a beautiful woman not just because I am your mom but you are beautiful. Look at what you have to look forward to 2 beautiful children and a husband who loves you and a bunch of friends and family too. I LOVE YOU.
Kitty Kat
on 4/11/06 6:04 am - Richmond, VA
Thanks Momma! you! I'm working on all this mess you KNOW I am. It's been a rough day. I don't think I've cried THIS much in MONTHS. No kidding! Kat
on 4/11/06 6:51 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Happy Happy Birthday to little Miss Nora !!! ( Can you tell I watch Dora too much with my 1yr old? ) You have come so far...You are such a beautiful woman. Sometimes I think no matter what we never feel as good as we should about ourselves. We are our worst critics..always the hardest on ourselves it seems. You will get there Kat....you have had these babies to take your attention from giving your weight loss goals 100%. I have read your profile and like you say , you do so much for everyone else and you put yourself last. I think it is hard not to do that with young ones. ( I have 4.) I appaud all YOUR accomplishments...You are a heck of a woman !!!!! Big Hugs,..and I REALLY REALLY REALLY would LOVE of piece or 4 of that little bugga's birthday cake...lol Dana
Kitty Kat
on 4/11/06 7:13 am - Richmond, VA
LMAO! Girl our oldest bugga must have almost ALL the dang Dora tapes and DVD's! Momma doesn't honestly watch TV much but I hear Noggin, Sprout, Disney Channels and others ALL day. I kinda dig this chick in Pinky Dinky Doo on Noggin' she makes up stories/adventures and they are pretty nifty! Thank you SO much! I agree I don't guess I'll ever feel 100% ok with myself and will critique myself needlessly but I will NOT give up. I don't have it in me to do so. Yep, right again, our buggas sure keep me on the go. Thank ya! I'm so appreciative of your words. LOL! I would to eat me some cake too but I'm gonna sit this one out and maybe finger dip some icing otherwise NADA! Gotta learn better self control. I KNOW what it'll do to me so why the heck eat it? Kat
Betsy Anitahug
on 4/11/06 7:27 am - Danville, VA
Hi Sunshine!!!! Please give that sweet little Nora a big birthday kiss from me....you have been through alot, but you are going to get there, Sweetie...You have the determination and the will power to do it...I am here for ya, Babe...You are looking fabulous by the way...just keep up the great work you are doing. Love ya... Hugs, betsy
Kitty Kat
on 4/11/06 9:21 am - Richmond, VA
Hey Bets! I've given her TONS of huggies and kissies today! She's like MOMMA! I've gone through what I've had to, to get where I am right now. Sure it's been HE** at times but God knows I ain't no quiter! I just fight things so much at times I don't know which way is up is all. Thanks and I'm thankful for your friendship! Kat
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