What happens when no one's looking???
I cannot get enough of reading all kinda inspirational things lately! Enjoy!
o The manner in which you cultivate your inner garden wil be evident to all manner of pests.
o People of integrity make an easy target for critics because they stand upright.
o Let your word be your bond: Keep your promises, meet your deadlines, honor your commitments, pay your bills.
o It's one thing to know what's right, and another thing entirely to do it.
o Others determine your reputation. You determine your character.
o If you want to know what's in your heart, listen to your mouth.
o If you find yourself in a questionable situation, get out immediately.
o Before you can ask integrity of others, you must attempt to be blameless yourself.
o The practice of honesty is more convincing than the profession of holiness.
o Character is made by what you stand for; reputation by what you fall for.
o Take a little more than your share of the blame.
o Take a little less than your share of the credit.
o Be honest with yourself. Be honest with other people. Be honest with God.
o Character is one of those qualities that takes time to develop.
o Rest on God's promises; stand behind yours.
Kitty Kat