TGIF Senseless Questions

on 3/30/06 12:22 pm - on the beach down by the bay, VA
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over???40's...leaning towards the over???part... 2. Where did you work? same the library 3. Where did you live?same house... 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? what's hair...and why style??? 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name?married...15 years... 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages?yes...dammit, stop it...and I told you so... 7. What was your favorite band/group?Gid Tanner and the Skillet Likkers...what can I say...I'm strange! 8. What kind of car did you drive? Shadow Aero M/C 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? lab 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? Way beyond...I was looking at permanent bed rest. 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? Have this wls surgery sooner!
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/06 6:36 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? 30's Baby 2. Where did you work? I was a Real Estate - Buyers Agent . 3. Where did you live? Prince George Va 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? I had very long hair with a SPIRAL PERM 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? Married to Ed. Jones 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? Amy was 14 - Will was 12 7. What was your favorite band/group? PRINCE 8. What kind of car did you drive? White Lincoln Town Car 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? Sally - My Terrier - and Meaner my Cat 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? Ugh - Double Hell No .. 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? To have not been so sick .. and to have not had so many surgeries . But what does not kill us - makes us stronger You be good in New-Orleans baby gurl .. and HAVE FUN !!! Love ya ! Tink
on 3/30/06 6:40 pm - Chesterfield, VA
Hmmmmmm, A lot has happened in the past 10 years!! 1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? ** 30s 2. Where did you work? **for same bank... Bank of America 3. Where did you live? **Kapolei, Hawaii 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? **Hawaiian style... long, straight, one length 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? **I was married to Rob (divorced in 1998) 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? **Lauren was 11 ten years ago! 7. What was your favorite band/group? ** Heart... I still love them... also was in love with Jimmy Buffet 8. What kind of car did you drive? **1992 Ford Exployer 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? **No pets... ex was allergic 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? **Nope, BETTER 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? **Be more assertive when it came to the divorce settlement Have a great weekend everyone!! **Hugs**
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/06 7:51 pm - Grass Doghouse by da' beach, VA
Mornin' y'all! Taking a RARE opportunity to head in a little late today, so my answers are unchafracteristically EARLY! So ALL this is back in 1996, eh? Here goes: 1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? 30's...barely!! 2. Where did you work? On a submarine in Hawaii 3. Where did you live? Ewa Beach, Hawaii 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? Uh...Military standard? 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? Married (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) to Suzie 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? SHE had two kids...Derek, 22 and Shaun, 20. 7. What was your favorite band/group? Probably REM 8. What kind of car did you drive? Went back and forth between a 1986 Ford Ranger and a 1969 Firebird Convertible 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? 1 dog...a loveable mutt named Max. 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? Actually, I'm where I HOPED I'd be!! OUT of the marriage I WAS in! The fact that I'm now married to the most wonderful woman in the world is the best bonus I could have asked for! 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? In all honesty, nothing...I'm quite happy with the way the last 10 years have progressed. Have a great weekend, y'all! -Paul
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/06 7:56 pm -'Beach, VA
Woooohoooo - great questons, pretty lady!! I love being able to "play" too without already knowing in advance what Im gonna be answering! Thanks for helping out, it gives a FRESH new spin on it. Have a fantastic time with Jen in New Orleee'yans! Like I told you in one of my emails, Ive NEVER been and I lived on the LA border for over 20 years and it was during the PRIME partying years (20's and 30's) ...sigh, how dumb am I? Don't forget, I get to see ALL da' pictures! Hugs to you both - be safe, have fun!! OK, ALL, think back 10 years with me to 1996. Where were you then and what exactly were ya doing? 1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? A very [cough] ...young 35, didn't act a day over 15, honest! 2. Where did you work? Owned my own business, Finance - Mortgages and Insurance. Actually, it was me and 2 male partners in their 50's. Dontcha know I kept them YOUNG (or was the cause for the gray hair, who knows) and we had about 30 employees. We were relatively small cheese but even the BIG RATS (like Ford Consumer Finance aka Ford Motor Credit, Capital One, Chase, etc.) wanted a piece of our action and came knocking. We were pushing out so much paper (loans) during the mid 90s. WOW, I kinda miss that corporate rat race. Um, Kinda! 3. Where did you live? Ooooooooooooooo'klahoma where the winds come sweeping down the plains! 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? [sigh] I actually HAD hair back then. Same style and color, yep, I really was BORN a blonde. It was LONGER, much longer and just won't grow anymore. 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? I was SINGLE and HAPPY! Divorced when Keoni was 4 and REFUSED to even think about getting serious with any guy until after I'd raised him (and pushed him outta the nest at 18) ...and between being a single parent and a business owner, there was NO time for silly relationships. 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? Um, well, I think you KNOW the answer to this one as well as I DO! His name is Keoni (which means JOHN in Hawaii, his dads name) and he's 26. My one and only. 7. What was your favorite band/group? PRINCE! CAMEO! Mary J. Blige! Toni Braxton! 8. What kind of car did you drive? Lexus LS400, Forest Green with dark tint and the gold package. My business partner kept telling me I'd "pimped out" my car and it looked silly. Uh, that same partner did the exact same thing with his Lexus the following year. Oh, and this pimp-daddy-wannabe was in his late 50's! 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? Aaaaw, yes, and I miss them ALL - Orange Tabby named Peaches, Jet black Tabby named Sable, and a Persian named Mercedes! All from itty bitty kittens and all were put to sleep, 13, 15 and 16 years later... broke my heart each and every time and I still cry when I think about it. 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? Actually, NO! I never expected to REMARRY! I had such a terrible first marriage and my parents marriage sucked from the git' go that I honestly didn't give a flying rip if I ever settled down with a man. I just didn't believe in "true love or lasting love" ...and then damn if Paul didn't show up in a chat room I was yapping in one night, and the they say is "Happily Ever After" 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? I woulda had the weight loss surgery 10 years ago, instead of only 3 years ago. Sooooooooooooooooooo much LIVING to do and so little time! Thanks Sharon, absolutely LOVED your questions!!! .
on 3/30/06 8:16 pm - hopewell, VA
sharon, how long will you be in new orleans me and joann will be there on the 8th for about 3 days maybe we can caught up to each other. 1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? 20's 2. Where did you work? at a collection agency in new york 3. Where did you live? lockport, new york 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? oh boy i have ahd so many who just cant get it right lol! 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? kelly my ex and i was married thank god thats over!! lol! 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? yes patrick he's 15yrs. 7. What was your favorite band/group? maybe mariah carey 8. What kind of car did you drive? ford ltd 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? yes 2 cats felix and midnight 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? yes way better than i ever dreamed. 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? not having this surgery alot sooner. and being married to that nut. dont get me wrong i am very happy i had 2 awesome child with him i just wish i would have come to my senses sooner. but god had a plan.
Kitty Kat
on 3/30/06 8:43 pm - Richmond, VA
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? Almost 20 2. Where did you work? Capital Unfun just started there in production and thought it was a GREAT company. Well, for 3 1/2 more years anyway. 3. Where did you live? In an apartment in the East End. Had a roommate and life was good. 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? Uh, I truthfully have LOOOONNNNGGGG hair almost to my rear then wacked it ALL off and I mean SHORT up to my ears short. OMG my Dad and some family and friends had an absolute cow. 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? HAHAHAHA! Single and hating Trey (my hubs now) which turned into dating and dontcha know we're cohabitating nicely??? 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? Yeppers our buggas Kayla Ann 5 years old and Nora Ashlynn 1 on Apr 11th 7. What was your favorite band/group? Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac/Metallica (met James Hetfield from Metallica and hubba hubba) 8. What kind of car did you drive? Geo Metro which I called a pregnant roller skate cause that's what it looked like. 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? Nope idiot neighbor killed my dog a few years before and we will SEE about having pets in the future when the girls are older. 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? Honestly I am much further than I thought I'd be. I never had ANY plans to get married what so ever. Children yes but they were are close 2nd to my career in Quality Assurance I was working hard towards and in. I never thought I could make the $$$$ I was making and have the things I was buying etc. I had my own place, own car, own everything and all was well didn't know it then but just so so. Then Trey reared his head and well it's 10 years almost for us now, 5 married this last New Year's Eve and 2 awesome buggas later with me being given the opportunity to stay home with them full time. Times have sucked now and then but we are once again stronger and better than EVER! YEAH BABY! 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? NOTHING I wouldn't change a dam thing cause I needed it all to get where I am and know that whole heartedly. There are NO regrets. Life is too short. Changing some things sure we all THINK that but I doubt we'd mean it. It's life live it up and love it. God's effin GREAT! Kitty Kat
Ms Court
on 3/30/06 10:20 pm - Remington, VA
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? 18-19 2. Where did you work? Radio Shack for awhile then I got a job as office mangager for a heating & air conditioning company. 3. Where did you live? Part of the year I rented a room at my boyfriend (at the time) family's house, ended up going back home to mom. 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? Long, curly, usually up in a barrette. 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? Was dating my now ex husband, Tommy. 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? Nope noe (still don't ahve any) 7. What was your favorite band/group? We were doing the whole rap, r&b thing. 8. What kind of car did you drive? Ford Ranger pickup truck. 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? At the bf's house was the dog, Chubbie & at mom's was the dog, Oreo, cat, Pumpkin. 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? Not at all. 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? I wish I had gone away to college, (if I had then I wouldn't have gotten married). Courtney
on 3/30/06 10:27 pm - Winterville, NC
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? ~I was in my 20s 2. Where did you work? ~At my sons' school, as a recess/office aide. 3. Where did you live? ~Delaware 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? ~It was a bob, as I recall. 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? ~Married to Prince Charming. 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? ~Matt, age 10. ~Tom, age 2. 7. What was your favorite band/group? ~U2. 8. What kind of car did you drive? ~Chevy Cavalier. 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? ~Chief (Dog), Petey and Nicky (Cats), assorted fish and gerbils. 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? ~Yes and no. 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? ~I would not have waited so long to get help for my depression. It has robbed me of so much. Funny thing about it though, you don't know you are depressed until it's really bad.
Julie R.
on 3/30/06 10:45 pm - Belspring, VA
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? 22 2. Where did you work? Tuckahoe Veterinary Clinic 3. Where did you live? Richmond, VA 4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? nope, but it was a little longer than shoulder length and wavy 5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? married (and still am) to Ken 6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? No 7. What was your favorite band/group? No one specific, but I listened to top 40 8. What kind of car did you drive? Toyota Tercel 9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? Well I did work at a veterinary hospital 2 dogs: Nikki & Shelley; 4 cats: Buster, Alley, Noah, Jasper; a ferret: my beloved Fidget; and a leopard gecko: J.P. 10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? Not really, still don't know where I want to be 11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? I would have had my surgery MUCH sooner!!! Have a great weekend!!! Julie
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