Sounds like fun...but not much of a dancer...but would like to get together with you folks...and c'mon guys...I don't want to be the solitary testosterone enabled one to show up....I ahte that when it happens, I end up having to be on my best behavior the whole one else to take the blame for whatever happens....
Pssst... Track? Who ya' kidding, mister, we all know you LOVE being the only man around.
Hate to dash that visual though, cause this time, you're gonna have company! Right now, it's kinda iffy on when the sub goes back under, we're hoping it's not till AFTER next weekend - although it's on the schedule for sooner. If he's in town, you can bet he'll be around - also, Im going to try and DRAG, er, I mean, talk Keoni into going. He loves to dance and is pretty damn good at it, if I say so myself.
Also, Dianna is bringing her sweet hunka' man with her - Cleve. Oh, and don't forget MIKE (Eileen's other half) and ROB (Wendy's other half) so see? Based on this ratio, you'll only end up with 8 babes per man!
Think you can handle it, stud-muffin?
Hey? I have to change the subject completey and tell you how much I absolutely LOVED YOUR LOGAN BREAD!!!!! I mean, really loved it. So much so, that I didn't take ANY to share with my girlfriends that night (like I told you I might?) ...Oh, and Paul only got ONE bite of it, that's all that was left when I was done with it.
Did you ever figure out the nutrients in it? I WANT SOME MORE!!!!
Hope you had a fantastic weekend at the MENS RETREAT, thought of you several times this weekend!
Hugs - Lei