Spilling da beans...

on 3/28/06 3:20 am - Hellertown, PA
Hey girl! Congrats!!! He seems like a great guy....goodluck and if I were clsoer I would offer to help ya...but five hours is a long drive....take care and hope to see ya soon! Leigh Ann
on 3/28/06 10:39 am - Manassas, VA
Wow, yeah, that IS a long drive, but no worries, I have hired movers! (Everyone can breathe deeply now, I will NOT be asking any of my friends or family to touch a single one of my 20 boxes of books!) But you could come help celebrate, when I get things unpacked! ~K
on 3/28/06 4:48 am - Orlando, FL
Ah, Spring and young heart's look for Love.... I'm so glad you both have worked out your issues and are moving ahead and toward each other. Life is full of risk -- Your either dive in and take a risk or sit on the pool side and watch it go by. You took the risk of getting your health back and you were a great success at that. You will succeed here too. Hugs, Cathy
on 3/28/06 10:48 am - Manassas, VA
Thank you SO SOOOOOOOO much Cathy, for all your encouraging words (and not to mention unbiased counsel!). I think you really helped set me on the road to the realizations I had been struggling towards and completed that weekend. We spend so much of our lives living in the box, that when it comes time to think outside of it, we're blind to so much of what we should be seeing! That Sunday night, I called him, and I told him, "I just have one thing to say, it's a vague message I know but I'm leaving it up to you, take this as you see fit. But, what I want to say to you, is that I am DONE with being afraid. Fear has no place in my life anymore. I will not live with fear controlling my every move. I am done with being afraid!" And ever since then... I've felt calmer, lighter, more at peace with myself than I have in so long. I have no regrets. None whatsoever. I'm actually... for a change... happy! We are also planning to do some work with a relationship counselor, if for nothing else than to build a more solid foundation, and learn some new/better communication and relationship skills. I think we're both going into this with more realistic expectations, and, a healthier dose of respect for each other's feelings now. Not looking back... ~K
Betsy Anitahug
on 3/28/06 5:06 am - Danville, VA
Oh Kathie...that is wonderful news. Good luck on your new future and new life. I am very excited for you. Hugs, Betsy
on 3/28/06 7:26 am - Stafford, VA
Hi Kathie - congratulations on your big move! I live in North Stafford and love it here. There are a lot of nice places near Brooke VRE. Prices are even better in King George. Right now with the slow down in the market, builders are giving great incentives to purchase. Also, the resale market is great - prices have come down. I'm in the real estate business - not sales, I do the closings. Come on down to Stafford! It's great here! Do you work at NOVA? Cause if you go to school there you know there's a campus in Woodbridge which is really a short drive - 30 - 40 minutes from North Stafford/Garrisonville Rd. Sylvia
Kathy & Rich
on 3/28/06 7:57 am - Fairfax, VA
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:27 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Now sweet pea .. this is the guy you where with at the Morracan Rest.?. If it is .. WAY TO GO GURL FRIEND .. WHOOAAAA I am sure you are excited .. he is very nice and you looked really happy with him . I wish you nothing but the best .. you deserve it !! Hugs and much love to you both ! Nat
on 3/28/06 10:35 am - Manassas, VA
LOL, omg... woops. No, it's not him. That was an old friend... the kind where there's lots of spark but no flame, yanno? Jim and I were on a break from each other for a while during that time while I got my head back on straight, and figured out how to deal with the attention from the male side of the species (like, how overwhelming and scary it can be). Jim was with me at the January event in Richmond, actually. He had actually been planning to propose to me during the snowball. But I screwed that up, go figure! ~K
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:09 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Oh my my, Love is in da' air??? Hey??? Didn't I meet Jim - is this that same cutey-patootey that showed up at the Morrocan (sp) Restaurant up in DC. LOL - you know, the day/night of this years WORSE SNOW STORM and this Polynesian Redneck was sooooooooooooo out of her element. Yah, that night. Congrats to the both of you - heres to many many years of HAPPINESS (and great sex) lol, sorry, had to toss that it too - afterall, it's IMPORTANT, right? Hugs - Lei
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