Ovarian Cyst
Ya know, it sounds like this ovarian cyst stuff is pretty comon in us women!! Thank god I had my kids already or this would be way worse!! How is it with all the "stuff" gone? I sorta wished they'd just take it all so I'd not have to worry anymore, but I thought the after effects were way worse. Thanks for the prayers.............I promise to post from the hospital while all drugged up..........a fav. pasttime of mine!! LOL XOXOOXOXOOXOXXOOX
Love the "stuff" being gone!! I often refer to it as being "all cleaned out!"
I've had no after effects, except a few hot flashes, but WLS has taken care of that and I'm cold all the time now. At least now I can add more clothes!
Your drug enduced hiliarity from the hospital is great! Do it again!!