Results & WARNING to pre-ops/post ops
Tired, sluggish, draggin' serious rear, sleepy, faint, dizzy, balance name it that's me. Last night could have been much worse that it turned out to be. To recap: Kayla was out back playing and I was folding towels. I turned to the side and got a lil' dizzy and fell into a shelf about my head level. Scrapped it pretty dang hard and in addition got me a lovely CT scan that says I'm a big bruised gal. DANG IT! It hurt like all get out. UGH! So, I'm taking in "easy" (yeah right). I cannot imagine what would have happened had I passed out completely with no one here and just me and my buggas. The cut on my head and the headache I STILL have this pm which will last a few more days is enough to scare me and my family. Trey & I were in the ER last night for a little over 5 hours. NO blood work was done even though I specifically kept saying something is just not right. I'm dizzy and nauseous and feel like I just want to sleep ALL the time.
Fast forward to this pm. I FINALLY get a call back about my labs drawn from my 3 year WLS post op check up last week. My flippin' iron is @ 18. The norm is 37-120. Needless to say it's WAY low. I'm going back to taking 2 iron pills per day and prenatal instead of multi vitamins.
***This is surely a scare and a reminder to those pre-op and post-op for that matter to pay very close attention to our daily rituals regarding fluids, protein, and obviously vitamins. Listen to your body and your instincts.***
Kitty Kat
Morning Beautiful!
I am going to take BETTER care of me! I kinda new something was up but couldn't put my finger on it. But, after this scare oh you better believe I'm going to pay closer attention. I've gotten so packed in the schedule department with all we have going on these days and me trying to get my butt back into shape by my next appointment w/ Dr. Martin May 22nd and working on the house etc I've honestly missed out on ME. It's all good things and I'm giving it to God so much more these days but need to remind myself to take care of me.
Thanks I will surely follow that advice. Vitamin C huh? Good to know.
Was scary but I'm good. This am the headache is a lot better.
Hope you are doing well sweetie! Take care!
As much as may you think that putting yourself "first" would be selfi**** isn't. In fact, you have to put yourself first and take care of yourself so that you are able to take care of those sweet little buggas and hubbs.
Make time to nuture and nourish yourself!
I'm doing okay. I see my endocrinologist today so hopefully I'll find out what my blood levels for my thyroid and parathyroid are since my surgery last week. I have symptoms of low calcium - feet/fingers tingle, hurt, ultrasensitive and foot cramps at night. Lovely, just lovely! Hopefully he can help me figure out how much calcium I need to keep the symptoms away yet not too much that my other 3 parathyroids stay lazy and don't wake up. Human science project, indeed!
Feel better!
Hugs, Kathy