Support/Discussion Group
I am in the process of starting a Support/Discussion group in the Winchester, VA area. I am looking for WLS people at any stage, who would be interested in attending. Please let me know what day of the week that you could NOT attend. I will keep you posted as to our status. Also let me know if you would like to volunteer in some manner, as I am looking for some help to get this group going.
Thanks and I look forward to meeting all of you soon!
Be blessed!
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
I may be interested. I can't make it on Mon Wed or Friday nites...I work 7pm to 7am those nites. Not sure about volunteering... again due to my schedule and sleep gets nuts at my house!!! Let me know what you come up with...
I can't attend the Fair Oaks meetings because of my schedule and would love to find something somewhere....