One Year Anniversary!
Wow, what a year! It truly has been amazing! I began this journey at 5'1.5" and 240 pounds. Surgery and recovery were rough. The first couple of months I said that I would RUN the other way if I could go back to before surgery! Now, one year later, I couldn't be happier about my decision. I now weigh 116 (for a loss of 124 pounds so far) and my BMI is 21.9! I am positive that I would not have done as well (or met as many wonderful people....Holly, Natalie, Dianna, Jill, Betsy, Shannon, David, Lois, and sooooooooo many more) if it hadn't been for the OH website. Thank you all for your love and support.
I wish as much joy and success for others as I have had in this past year and still have left to come for the future!
Happy re-birthday to this butterfly!
I love you all,