Daily Post/Stubborn lbs. ***TGIF****

Kitty Kat
on 2/9/06 6:45 pm - Richmond, VA
Morning Buggas.... So How will you move your body today? Walk, walk walk Are/have you taking/taken your vitamins? Will here shortly Are/have you getting/gotten in your fluids? Nothing yet JUST got up Are/have you getting/gotten in your foods (and the good ones)? Dunno ***STUBBORN LBS.*** ***UPDATED***2/9/06 Kat Date: Jan. 26th Current Weight: 170 Goal Weight: 140-145 lbs. lost: 5 (165) Sharon Date: 1/26/06 Current Weight: 148 Goal Weight: 140 Pounds Lost: 0 Mom Date:1/26/06 Current Weight:195 Goal Weight: 135-140 lbs. lost: 0 ***UPDATED 2/3/06*** Dianna Date: 01/26/06 Current Weight: 163 Goal Weight:140 lbs. lost: 1 ***UPDATED***2/2/06 Jackie Date: 02/02/06 Starting weight as of 01/27/06: 183 Current Weight: 180 Goal Weight:150 lbs. lost: 3 Jill Goal: 1/26/06 Current Weight: 157 Goal Weight: 135-140 lbs. lost: to date: 120 - I want to loose at least another 17 by my birthday (6/10) Jen G Date: Jan 26 Current Weight: 165 Goal Weight: 140 lbs. lost: 0 I hope to be at 140 by my surgery anniversary in April so inspire me! Leigh Ann Date: 1/27/06 Current Weight: 225 Goal Weight: 180 by June lbs. lost: 0 Jackie Date: 01/27/06 Current Weight: 181 Goal Weight:150 lbs. lost: 2 ***UPDATED***2/7/06 Leilani Starting Date: 1/23/06 Current Date: 2/06/06 Current weight: 176 ½ Goal weight: 169 Pounds lost: 7 ½ Susan Date: 2/01/06 Current Weight: 159 Goal Weight: 140 Pounds lost: 0 ***UPDATED***2/10/06 Betsy Date: 2/5/06 Current weight: 190 Goal weight: 125 Pounds lost: 40 Hugs, Kitty Kat "If it's 5:00 pm somewhere, what are we doing here?" Twisted Whiskers - Feb. 10th
Sharon Q.
on 2/9/06 8:00 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
Hey girly!! I'm moving, I'm moving.............just got up and weighed myself. I've been holding off on any totals waiting for surgery water/and other weight to come off. SOOOOOOOOOO, I think it's fair to say now that I am at 146 this morning. That puts me in for a 2lb loss!! WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Was it worth it to be so sick to lose the weight, not really, but am I still happy happy happy???? You betcha!!! Gotta get going with my day!!! Have a great one!! TGIF, and the SNOW IS COMIN!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEE!!! I love the snow!! XOOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Sharon
on 2/9/06 9:03 pm - Richmond, VA
Hey Miss Kat I have not talked to you in FOREVER!!! Ok i'm starting off the day well, I had a protein shake for breakfast, some vitamins, and I will move my body today by dancing my butt off tonight when I head out with some friends for happy hour. AND i'm very excited because I've got a date tonight, one of my work friends is hooking me up, so we will see what happens (if nothing else it's good date practice and a couple of free drinks!) I am sooo glad it's Friday, I just wish the snow would hold off till Sat. cause then maybe I could squeeze a snow day out of it. Hey am I gonna see you on Sunday (Shannon's shower?) I hope so, we really need to catch up! Have a good day all, TGIF Talk to ya soon, HUGS Diane
on 2/10/06 12:16 am - Richmond, VA
I haven't done much of nothing today. Haven't ate much cause my tummy is not liking food today. I may lay down with michael and take a nap. A rare commodoty in this house. Oh I did do something productive I filled out the papers to add me on Mike's insurance. Big whoop..LOL. Hope you have a great day. Shannon 357/235/135
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