Blood loss during surgery does any one know how much usually?
I am curious as to how much blood is lost during surgery. I have my final date of 3/16/06 at Fair Oaks and that thought just came across my mind. I did ask my doctor about blood loss and he said that he usually does not expereince that but I wonder about everyone else.
Thank you for any postings you can provide.
Hey Dee!!
I've had 2 surgeries with Dr. Chebli and Dr. Moazzez now, across the way from Anez, and not needed any extra blood as of yet. I am sure there are cir****tances where extra blood is needed, but I don't believe that to be the norm. Wishing you an uneventful surgery on 3/16, and a super speedy recovery!!! XOXOOOXOOXOXXO