Upcoming Surgery
Hi everyone!
Last night I had another gallbladder attack. Seems like evertime it acts up , it gets worse each time. Last night though, led me to the ER! With Iv's and pain killers and anti nausea meds! And a consult with the surgeon to have it removed. I see him on feb.6th and he said after that he will schedule my surgery, so probably within a few weeks i can get this thing out ..once and for all! Im on a strict low fat diet (which i should maintain anyway) and watching what i put in my mouth!! On my way to the market to pick up some foods i can eat!
Hey JudyB,
I feel for ya. Been there, done that, and bought the pain ticket. I do believe that was the worse pain I've ever felt. I even scheduled my surgery for the same time as my Christmas vacation just to get it done faster. I hope you can get it scheduled soon, so you don't have to go through that again.
Feel better,
Oh, Judy.
I'm so sorry this is happening. But think of it this way: No more pain and you'll lose a few more pounds of flesh.
Had my gallbladder out in 1993 and let me tell you, best thing is to do it quickly. My aunt waited getting her's removed and ended up having complications during the birth of her son. Both of them were kept for high fevers from her body fighting the gallstones and she had to stay in the hospital an extra week after giving birth so they could do her surgery before she left.