Charlottsville Meet and Greet
Hi Guys!
I tend to get excited over meeting new people and seeing old friends, so, my question to you is: Who is going to be a lunch on the 18th in Charlottsville? I am making the treck down there with Jean, and hopefully Yvette, I havent heard from her, but I am curious as to who I get to meet! I get way too excited over this kind of stuff!!
So, who is gonna be there??
hey Nat -
That would be fun!! Yes - lets plan to ride together. I was talking to Kat about it earlier and maybe we can convince her to go :wink: I have a jeep so i can drive and take quite a few - maybe i can convince hubs to be the chaufer (sp?) and we can chit chat on the way down.
Ok so I guess I am going to be there - woohoo! I am ready.