Glamour Shot Photos!
I just got back the photos I had taken 2 weeks ago. Got them taken for fun and for a gift for Rich for Valentine's Day. My fav is the first. Let me know what you think!
The whole thing was alot of fun. A great photographer, Mary Kay cosmetics, fun outfits, friends and lots of laughter.
Thanks, Wanda!
I showed Rich the proofs yesterday and he loved them. Ends up that someone at the Richmond conference mentioned the pictures in front of him and the surprise was blown. It was pretty funny! I was giving her the "shhhh" sign but it wasn't working as she went on and on about the picture. Doh!
I love your pics, but I like the green background ones the best. Brings out your eyes.
I had Glamour Shots done also for my hubby. He is deployed, and I already mailed them out for a Valentine's surprise. Except I am wearing a little black negligee (sp) with red hearts on it. I figured something special since he hasn't seen me since November and I have lost about 20 or 25 more pounds since then.
I did them through Kathie Care. She does these events every couple of months. She brings the Mary Kay cosmetics and coaches you through putting it on, she has a hair dreser there to poof your hair up (you tip her for her help) and then you pay the photographer $30. It is at Sundance Studios in Manassas. A ton of fun. You get two proofs for your $30 and then can order more and can buy the additional proofs too. The photograher Don has a great eye for helping pic the pose, outfits and jewelry. He rocks! Very nice man. Fun. They have the clothing there!
Thanks, Christine!
We've only known each other since October of 2003 so there hasn't been any time for the love to ebb. LOL! We both have been changing together over all the time we've know each other. He is 18 months post-op (before we were married) and me 8 months post-op. It has been great to go through this together and now be able to do so many more things together and be active.
I love that man like crazy!