My Post-op psyche

on 1/28/06 8:25 pm - Chesterfield, VA
This was from the Nov 2005 board in response to someone's post on crazy emotions after surgery. I haven't posted much because of my crazy work schedule. Wanted to share this with you guys... I haven't personally had the "after surgery blues," however, I have had things come up that really suprised me and reminded me how food was my crutch before and now I have a different perspective on life. This past week I had an INCREDIBLY bad day at work!! I came home and ate 4 POTATO CHIPS!! Now, 4 doesn't sound BAD, but the fact that I ate them is!!! That was my OLD behavior... pre WLS I would have eaten half or most of the bag. I also have discovered since I've been back to work, that I don't want to give everthing I have (energy, emotion, etc.) to my job anymore. My family and ME deserve some of me too! I made my feelings known to the "powers that be" and will probably go into another position soon. I used to feel I had to go go go ... be the best. Now I just want to do a good job and enjoy my life. I deserve more! (I am a bank manager and work 50-60 hours per week, dealing with stressful situations/people all day!) Before WLS I was just HOLDING ON... now, I'm ready to let go and see where I land!! Maybe I'm Thanks to all of you for your and support. You have helped make this postive change possible. OK, and if I become unemployed... YOU will be hearing from me!! Tammy (still waiting for pics to post)
(deactivated member)
on 1/28/06 8:36 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Wow .. this sounds like me .. Before surgery .. I was a dynamo at work .. now .. I go in .. do my job .. and come home .. Now .. I still have some really trying days ... where I wish there was a hot fudge cake to sooth .. but I run instead .. it really relieves the pressure and stress . I have been thinking about changing professions all together .. I am in sales and Marketing .. and I really do not enjoy it any more .. I was in the field for years .. traveling .. and I want to get back to that ... I realize now I have choices ... and I control my life .. and it feels so freaking wonderful . So .. we could both be unemployed together .. and shop all day .. Naa .. gotta have money for that .. pay bills .. yada yada .. but the shopping sounds fun huh .. Hugs ... Nat
on 1/28/06 8:48 pm - Chesterfield, VA
Hey Nat, We could call it... post-op/mid-life crisis... and have fun fun fun!! Shopping always sounds good to me, and it's getting more and more delightful with every pound I lose! Yeah, I figured I have 3 college degrees and 20 years of experience (all good) AND a postive attitude ... so I figured someone's gotta be willing to pay PLUS... I'm looking better and better everyday Leaving the comfort zone of working at the same company for 14 years is hard for me to consider. Especially since I'm the primary earner in my family and I have a major Mortgage (brand new house in 2004!) Not to mention healthcare coverage!! Hey, Wanda and I will be there Thursday. We had such a good time driving down together last time, we are doing it again this week See ya Tammy
on 1/29/06 3:10 am
Tammy, It's amazing how things change after this WLS process! You and your family do deserve more of YOU! Best wishes with your job situation and let me know if I can do anything for you. You know I'm in the job search mode myself and it's exciting to see what new opportunities lie ahead! Talk to you soon! ~Wanda
on 1/30/06 4:36 pm - Chesterfield, VA
Thanks Wanda, How is the job searching going? Hugs, Tammy
on 1/29/06 7:20 pm - roanoke, VA
Sweet Tammy, You and I are surgery sisters-same day. Post-op blues are surely par for the course We have faced so many life changes over night, and the physiological changes are bound to take its toll on our emotions. I have found that counting my blessings, getting exercise, and taking in enough protein help me alot. Also remember where we are coming from, and this alone should bring us joy because it is all up hill and delight from here! Let me know how you are. Hugs, Melannie
on 1/30/06 4:39 pm - Chesterfield, VA
Thanks Melannie, I'm usually a very positive person, but I've started looking hard at parts of my life and I want to improve in more ways than just losing weight. You are right about counting my blessings!! I have so much to be thankful for, starting with a wonderful, supportive, and NON-critical family. How are YOU doing? Hugs, Tammy
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