IMPORTANT Okay here come the silly questions

on 1/28/06 6:17 am - winchester, VA
RNY on 01/24/06 with
Good afternoon guys and gals I have been home for two days now, i have been drinking drinking drinking, and having SF jello, SF pops, and drinking drinking drinking, my first question is since my first week is only liquids how do i determine when to take my supps, if i am not actually eating anything, should i still go by the schedule i set up at the nutritionist? second how long does this soreness last? third, okay when any of you had this done did you insides make the most ungodly noises???? i am really freaking out because i think that maybe i am doing something wrong, my stomach or intestines i dont know which but this noise comes from my insides that sounds as if i have a monster in there, is this normal Sorry for all the questions. Yvette
on 1/28/06 6:33 am - Northern, VA
Hi there Yvette... No question is every silly, especially if you need the answers!! Ok, I would just take your vitamins on the schedule that you and your Nut came up with. Right now it is important to get used to a schedule, so when you start adding things in gradually, it is stuck in your mind and you know when to do things. This will become second nature to you. I have programmed my cell phone to remind me when it is time to take my vitamins, so I have a back-up in case I forget. You will be sore for as long as it takes YOUR body to heal. I think I was sore for about a week, but I also equate it to chold birth. Hurts like but when it is over and I have the means to the end, I dont really remember the pain anymore...hope that makes sense!! And the noises are common. Mine didnt do it at first, but it does now. It is funny, especially when someone else can hear the tummy as well!! Not sure what it is from, but I am sure someone else out there knows the answer to that! No question is silly unless it goes without you asking. So, ask away, that is what we are here for!! Again, so nice to meet you!! Dianna
on 1/28/06 6:34 am - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Hi, Yvette-no silly questions here...we have all been through it!!! I sipped on the protein and/or calcium supplements all day...mixed in with seems like the at first all you are doing is drinking - walking - drinking - sleeping - drinking...but it works. The soreness will subside over the next few days...then if you over do it may be tender. Remember you just had major surgery and you are expected to be sore. Oh, the tummy noises!!! Isn't it just so lady like!!! It's all normal...try some Beano -it worked wonders for me! Hugs! Jill
on 1/28/06 6:45 am - winchester, VA
RNY on 01/24/06 with
Thank you both for the info, and it was a pleasure meeting both of you also, Jill i hope your surgery went well, are you home already? Once again thank you for the info yvette
Kathy & Rich
on 1/28/06 6:45 am - Fairfax, VA
Looks like you've gotten answers already! Take your supplements on your schedule. Best to get used to it from the start. Soreness will last for a bit. Everyone is a bit different in their tolerance for pain/soreness. Give yourself a chance to heal. Get used to the noises. Many of us gave our pouches names since they make so much noise that they have their own personalities. Mine is Igor (Eye-gore) and Rich's is Chewy as in Chewbaca. I've had many conversations with Chewy especially after Rich has had a protein shake. Igor tends to be noisy after protein shakes as well. Kathy
on 1/28/06 8:29 am - Leesburg, VA
RNY on 09/14/04 with
My pouch (Olivia) took several months to wake up and make noises...but it is normal to hear noises and hear others noises!!! Its all part of the hook up...
on 1/28/06 10:30 pm - hopewell, VA
yvette, so glad your home and feeling good.. no prob with all the questions that what were hear for to help one another.. as far as the soreness mine lasted about 4-5 days but everyone is different. just take it easy and you will be fine in no time.. and the noises i still get weird noise from time to time and it still freaks me out. but it is all normal. my did it alot in the begininng but now only once in a while. hope this helps with your questions take care and congrats!! , holly
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