
Kathy & Rich
on 1/28/06 1:55 am - Fairfax, VA
And I ain't taking money, folks. Heck I wish I was... But I digress. I ran 3.1 miles at the gym today (was previously running 2 miles at a pop for the past two weeks). So my 3.1 miles is the equivalent of a 5K race. I'm so excited! Had my iPod Shuffle on and was grooving to the music though I almost broke into tears as I ran to Melissa Etheridge's "Run". Too close to home at this point with my sister's recent diagnosis of breast cancer. Her mastectomies and reconstructive surgery is scheduled for March 7th - nothing like having to wait a while, eh? Anyway, I felt really really good. Ran it in 38:01 which is very good for me. I vary my speed a bit while I'm running to challenge myself. That that equates to roughly about 12.5 minute miles. Ultimately in the long "run"...I'd love to get down to 10 minute miles if I could. But I'll worry about speed later. Right now I'm working just on stamina. Hopefully I won't get too much grief from my hip/leg which is actually back issues. I doubt my back surgeon would be happy about the running and pounding but I've just gotta do what I've gotta do. Had a bit of soreness last weekend from dancing with the VA folks in Richmond. So, looks like I'll be out running a 5K race for real in the spring sometime. I've participated in a 10K walk (which I jogged part of due to a severe calf cramp that didn't hurt when I jogged...LOL), a 5K and a 6K (in conjunction with the Mardi Gras Marathon in New Orleans) back in 1996/1997 timeframe. I was 60 lbs heavier then than I am now too. I don't have any marathon type aspirations but I wouldn't mind being able to do 5 miles at a pop. Never could do that back in the late 1990s. My knees objected strongly as I built up to that. But that Rock N' Roll Half Marathon (13 miles or so) in VA Beach in August/September sounds mightly appealing... Watch out folks, I'm running on by! Kathy
Debbie in va beach
on 1/28/06 3:06 am - virginia beach, VA
Hi Kathy, I've been looking for some motivational music for exercise and like Melissa Etheridge but I'm a little out of the times. I dont think I've heard "Run". I am a breast cancer survivor of double mastectomies and reconstruction so maybe I should hear it since it reminded you of your sister's situation. I wish her the best and I am living testimony that it can be survived! I'll send up some prayers and good thoughts. Debbie
Kathy & Rich
on 1/28/06 3:12 am - Fairfax, VA
Thank you, Debbie. I appreciate your post. Here is Melissa doing the song life on Oprah... http://www.zippyvideos.com/4980308651423356/oprah-run/ Kathy
Debbie in va beach
on 1/28/06 4:49 am - virginia beach, VA
Kathy, OMG! I sat here in tears! I must have this song. DH and I are going to the mall tonight while my 14 yr old son has a movie date with his chicki-doodle. I'll have to buy it now! THe last two years my workmates and I have walked in the Susan B. Komen walk here in VA beach with my name on their shirts along with others we know and some we have lost. I of course could only make the mile walk. THis will give me strength to start trying to run it in a year or so! Debbie
on 1/28/06 3:47 am - Richmond, VA
Good for you Kathy! I have been praying for your sister and I hope that everything will come out good for her surgery. (())'s Please let me know if you need anything at all Kathy. Even if you need to talk I am here for you.
Kathy & Rich
on 1/28/06 6:41 am - Fairfax, VA
Thanks Shannon! Appreciate the hugs and the prayers. I won't go see my sister for her surgery but will go up sometime afterwards to stay with her so her hubby can return to work. My dad will go up to NY and spend a while - it's nice he is retired and can spend quite a while there. She did the same for him recently (she is basically retired too - ah, life it tough, eh?) and went down to Florida and helped him move and such. I appreciate it! Hugs, Kathy
on 1/28/06 6:35 am - Northern, VA
Yeah for you Kathy!! I would like to run, but even in highschool, when I was thin, I couldnt do it then either! I dont think it is in me to run, although I try to change it up on the treadmill, and do a little jog/walk thing. So kudos to you!!! I am sure it feels great!! (Still wondering if we will get to the gym together!) Dianna
Kathy & Rich
on 1/28/06 7:03 am - Fairfax, VA
Pick a day and I'll meet you at the gym. Thursday isn't good for me. How about Wednesday?
on 1/28/06 8:36 am - Leesburg, VA
RNY on 09/14/04 with
My sister... My inspiration... I am so proud of you... keep up the good work...before I know it.. you'll be jogging to Leesburg... meet me at Thoroughbred's for brunch!!! Let me know your schedule for events... I'll be the one on the side with the water bottle cheering you on!!!! I still have it in the back of my mind for a 10K someday... hopefully soon...depends on these decrepet knees... creak crack... OUCH!!! Love ya
*~Tigger~ *
on 1/28/06 11:37 am - Staunton, VA
Way to go, Kathy! You rock! JoAnn
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